Much has already been written about the effect of colors on the human psyche. But have you ever thought about the fact that shapes also have a certain impact on us? Why is the round shape exactly the right one forLounge furniture, you can find out right here!
Round lounge furniture – great eye-catcher
When perceiving shapes, one associates a range of sensations and moods. Just like colors, sounds and smells, the simple basic shapes – circles, squares, triangles – evoke certain associations in us. These associations are different for everyone, but some principles apply to everyone. At theInterior designIt is therefore of great importance to know which shapes and colors have the best effect on people. In any case, personal taste is the only deciding factorLounge furnitureyou choose for the garden or terrace.
Lounge furniture sets accents in the outdoor area
The circle is the perfect basic shape. In most world cultures, the circle symbolizes wholeness, infinity and simultaneity, completion and union of all opposites. Exactly the circle is known worldwide as a symbol of rebirth, earth and sun. The circle has neither a clear beginning nor an end. The round and supple shapes have a balancing effect and are considered feminine and soft. Circles trigger calm and convey sociability and security - one says, for example, “being with the family”. roundLounge furnitureform the focal point, the heart of the outdoor area and are a greatHighlight.
Individual interior design on the terrace and in the garden
RoundLounge furniturehave a relatively high visual weight and are therefore more suitable for outdoor areas. Round furniture can tolerate other pieces of furniture in close proximity, but enough effective space must be left.
Arena lounge furniture set from Varashin
Relax armchair in a curved shape
Circle symbolizes infinity and security
Outdoor furniture in a round shape
Metal garden pergola offers sun and privacy protection
Modulares Rattan-Sofa Set
Garden furniture design ideas
Rattan patio set
Garden and patio furniture ideas
Sun lounger – round with sun protection
Patio Set – modular
Round lounge furniture has a positive effect
Relax armchair for outdoors
Outdoor round bed with decorative cushions
Rattan sofa for terrace
Decorative cushion for outdoor areas
Round lounge furniture with sun protection