Give the outdoor area an exotic look - with mosaics in the garden you can set accents and conjure up imaginative garden decorations. We'll show you some ideas on how to transform the garden path, old garden furniture or concrete wall into an eye-catcher.
They have a beautiful garden, unfortunately the old concrete wall is not so nice. But that doesn't automatically mean re-plastering - it's also easier. With a mosaic wall you can add extra flair to the outdoor area and impress your guests. Attached you will find a wide selection of cool ideas - let yourself be inspired by the pictures in the photo gallery!
A mosaic table can add extra appeal to your patio. You can do thatMake your own table– In any case, get advice in advance from the craft shop about which adhesives are appropriate for the table. And if you don't feel like doing long craft projects, you can simply buy an adhesive film with a mosaic look.
A garden path with pebble mosaic is sure to be admired by all guests - because it suddenly gives the front garden an exclusive look and automatically attracts attention with its beautiful motifs.