Make seating in the garden modern and comfortable

Every hobby gardener dreams of the warm summer time - then there is the opportunity to marvel at the cozy garden with fragrant plants and wonderful flowers, welcome birds and butterflies and spend sociable evenings outside with friends and family. A permanent seat makes it possible - the location, the floor covering and the privacy screen play a crucial role in feeling good. As inspiration, we show you 37 ideas for modern seating in the garden.

Seating in the garden – choose the right location

Ideal forSeating in the gardenis a location at the edge of the garden so that the entire garden can be admired. If your own property borders the neighboring house, it makes sense to shield the corner with a wall or a garden fence. Plants are also crucial for feeling good – some fragrant plants such as roses can attract wasps. Is theGartenlarge, then the seat should be close to the house. The slope of the terrain also plays a major role - if the garden is on a slope, a garden bench can be installed at the end of the retaining wall.

What needs to be taken into account when designing?

As soon as the location for the newOutdoor seating areais determined, we can get started - first the area is leveled, then a suitable floor covering is laid (gravel, paving stones or even wood). The back side is shielded with a screen/higher wooden fence or concrete wall and the furniture is arranged. If the lounge corner in the garden is planned as a permanent seat, a concrete or Corten steel garden bench with a wooden top can be installed. A fire bowl creates a cozy atmosphere, and an indoor fountain relaxes the senses.

Concrete bankwith wooden attachment

A garden with seating quickly becomes a well-used outdoor room if there is a comfortable seating area outside. Whether for a coffee break outdoors or as a nice outdoor opportunity for sociable moments with friends, an attractive and harmoniously designed outdoor area with seating is always a good option. Even the smallest space outside can radiate coziness and an intimate atmosphere if its design is well thought out. Successful seating options should fit harmoniously into the outdoor area. This ultimately more or less expands the living area. In order to feel comfortable in the house, a comfortable seat and sufficient protection from wind, sun and prying eyes usually help. A place to put drinks and other items or simply a side table provides additional comfort.

If the garden is small, cantheWooden fence to be planted

If you want to enjoy modern and comfortable seating in your own green area, a good surface ensures this. A wooden deck exudes coziness and works quite well as a variation of the wooden floor inside the house. In addition, high-quality decking boards are almost splinter-free, so you can walk on them barefoot without worry. This is definitely an important pro point for families with children, because otherwise the wooden terrace can quickly become an unpleasant experience. However, only WPC floorboards guarantee a splinter-free life. The material is actually based on wood and has the popular wood look, but is made in conjunction with environmentally friendly plastics and therefore does not splinter at all. Unlike a stone terrace, a pleasant experience is guaranteed both in the cold of early morning and in the heat of midday. For buildings with a rural character, the choice may be clinker or natural stone paving. On the other hand, gravel is another and very popular option for an easy-care garden surface, but does not guarantee a stable surface for placing garden furniture or seating.

ModernSeatingshield from the street with a wall

If the property is large enough, several outdoor seating areas can be created or their location can be changed depending on favorable weather conditions. In spring, a small table with two chairs is placed under a tree, and in autumn - in a sheltered arbor. A reasonable privacy screen is particularly advantageous in the city and when it is directly adjacent to the street and neighbors. Depending on the orientation and situation on the property, this can also be used as a shade provider. It is usually particularly convenient if there is a small house wall nearby to radiate the heat. If not available, climbing elements, whether planted with climbing plants or not, serve as a charming demarcation from the neighboring property. A solid alternative is sometimes a wall or, less solid, a tightly trimmed hedge.

tree asShade provideroutdoors

If seating is planned in the garden, the space should provide enough space to comfortably stretch your legs and move away from the seat without major rearrangements. For example, the following are the minimum dimensions:

  • for two people – 2 x 2 m
  • for three people – 3 x 2 m
  • for four people – 3 x 3 m
  • for six or more people – 3.8 x 3 m

Depending on how much space is available, potted plants and accessories can be added. Full-grown specimens of angel trumpets or palm trees are particularly expansive. Barbecue fans then have a cheap option to transform the free area into a barbecue area. For those who occasionally expect larger numbers of guests, a lawn area around the seats might make the most sense so that the space can be expanded there during celebrations.

Wooden garden benchwith cozy plants

Each seat can either be formed as a clearly demarcated, geometrically designed island, which acts as an eye-catching structural element. Or you can create gentle transitions to the surroundings, which appears calmer and conveys a feeling of security. In any case, multiple seats are a great advantage because they provide different viewing angles. To get new design ideas and inspiration, browse through the photo gallery.

Rattan daybed and concrete bench

Sun loungers on the wooden terrace offer a beautiful view of the garden

Make seating in the garden comfortable and space-saving

Seating in the garden with gravel as a floor covering