In our dynamic world, most people work in enclosed areas of modern office buildings, where they stay inside almost all day and have their hands full. This breaks our connection with nature, which has a negative impact on our psyche and physical comfort. For this reason, we need a lot of green in our surroundings, where we work and live. It is therefore particularly important to incorporate as many natural elements as possible into our working environment. ThePlants in the officeare means of improving our working environment and have a positive sanitary, psychophysical and spatial contribution to our working environment.
Plants in the office for a healthier working atmosphere
The flowers around us purify the air by releasing oxygen, and their pleasant scents refresh our working atmosphere. It has long been proven that the green color of plants has a calming, refreshing effect, it reduces stress, irritation of the eyes, promotes concentration, produces pleasant emotions and improves the mood of employees.
A lot of greenery is necessary where we live and work
Through green onesPlants in the officeYou can establish better organization in the interior, making it easy to separate certain areas from each other or demarcate them. This has a positive impact oncomfort in the workspace,also makes us work more quietly and visitors feel more comfortable in the office. Even placing cut flowers in a vase can drastically change the atmosphere around us. The flowers in the workplace should complement the interior design, so they should be selected correctly according to size and type of flower.
Arrange planting groups
You shouldn't be wasteful with the colorful flower decorations. Try to add style and grandeur to the atmosphere of the office. Suitable places for flowers can be at the entrance to the room, around the tables for meetings, near water fountains. There you can achieve the best effect. With the help of plants, certain parts of the interior can be marked or they can serve as a visual barrier when dividing numerous facilities into smaller spaces. In addition, the groups of plants can add beautiful accents to the workspace and even emphasize the importance of the separate rooms.
Flowers at work
The choice of plant species is undoubtedly of utmost importance. The natural light intensity, air temperature, humidity, all of these must correspond to the conditions of the environment. It should be noted that at each point in the interior these environmental factors have different values. The presence of fans, computers, air conditioners,heaters,the air dries, and the blinds also block the sun's rays. These are obstacles to creating favorable conditions for the development of flower and plant species in the office.
Suitable plants in the office
Plants suitable for offices that prefer sunny places are: Alocasia, Asparagus, Aphelandra, Begonia, Bromelia, Bougainvillea, Dizygotheca elegantissima, Dieffenbrachia, Dracaena, Episcia, Jasmine, Calanchoe, Clivia, Cordyline, Palms, Syngonium, Ficus, Philodendron, Hibicus, Yucca , Peperomia and others. The most difficult thing is to find plants that thrive in dark rooms, but there are such – aspidistra, ivy, cissus, roycissus, scindapsus pothos, fatshedera, fatsia, hoya and others.
How to design your living environment with style
Potted plants must be in harmony with the interior, furniture, style and colors of the office. Well-chosen and well-maintained flower pots or flower arrangements create style and elegance in the office. They harmonize well with modern decor, as well as with works of applied and fine art. The plants around us are a means of enriching and beautifying our living and working environments. They show the synthesis between man and nature.
Create a positive atmosphere
The flowers are always a source of positive emotions. The diversity of plant species and varieties offers a wide range of colors, textures and shapes. This would make it possible to design every room differently and attractively. If you want to change your living environment with original ideas, then you can follow our tips from today's article. Green plants and fragrant flowers in your interior will help you work in a balanced and well-thought-out atmosphere. This will certainly put you in a good mood and you will be able to work better and more effectively throughout the day.
Positively influence our work environment
The modern workspace is sustainable and environmentally friendly
Potted plants that coordinate with furniture and style
Liven up the desk with plants
Green potted plants in the office
The plants in the office – real eye-catchers