Privacy screen pool ideas - create a private area in your own garden

To make absolute with a privacy screen poolTo create privacy in your garden, you have to implement some clever tools. The outdoor areas outdoors often include changing houses, terraces, landscape design, saunas or outdoor dining areas. However, if you want to preserve the aesthetics and privacy of a property for large meetings of family members and friends, you have to become creative. For example, the pool privacy screen to the neighbor is important for most homeowners. Hardly anything is more beautiful than a swimming pool in your own garden and then of course most people also want to avoid curious looks. In the following you will find some suitable ideas for landscape design, with the help of which you can create a privacy screen for pool in the garden and for the private sector.

Equip the pool with privacy screen

The garden should be an oasis away from the outside world. Even if you live in a safe neighborhood, a barrier between your privacy screen around the pool and the rest of the world can create a feeling of security. This is very important for the right relaxing at home. For this reason, you can create a private and safe environment for yourself and your favorite people in an innovative and uncomplicated way. Of course, a highly qualified landscape gardener can also provide all of these installations. However, if you want to imitate the same effect for less money, you will find some indispensable tips here to enable a peaceful little refuge in your garden.

Noise protection is also an aspect of the landscape architecture, which is often overlooked. People always take into account visual privacy, but rarely take precautions for blocking or minimizing noises. This is a great investment and secures your future health, especially if you have neighbors who often argue, listen to loud music or disturb them in a different way. Likewise, you have the sound barrier that is more respectful to the neighbors every time, for example, a grill party on your side of the fence becomes too loud. There are various ways to do this. One of them is due to insulation, similar to a music studio. Alternatively, you can alsowhite noisegenerate. Adding a noise barrier could include natural soundproofing walls such as wind chimes, rustling trees and ferns, flowing water in fountains or water features.

Pool planting privacy screen

This is a good way to improve your privacy because plants are completely natural. In some cases, you can even create a wild jungle -like atmosphere in your own garden. So if you prefer to design a contemporary and ordinary privacy screen pool area, plants can be the right choice. This also creates an aesthetic attraction and hide unsightlyPool GadgetsOutside the perspective. However, keep in mind that not all plants are the same when it comes to this area. If you don't want to spend a lot of time in the garden, easy -care plants are definitely the right way. For example, you can effectively use bamboo from different varieties for your privacy screen.

Spoting ferns and other such plants also form effective privacy screen by the pool. However, if children use their pool, prickly plant varieties are not a good idea. For a wild and lavish look you can create a versatile hedge from many different plant species. Choose from evergreen bushes that grow quickly and tropical plants of different heights for a soft and mixed feeling. Alternatively, you can choose a hedge plant if you want a minimalist and modern look. In the meantime, while your planted barrier begins, you can install a temporary structure. However, this offers sufficient privacy from almost any kind of material.

Add hedges or trees

If you need more privacy, but hesitate to build a fence, this is a great option. If you plan properly, you can form shrubs into attractive hedges of amazing heights. This can create a beautiful natural wall from bushes. This not only improves privacy that you long for, but also creates a beautiful natural collection of lush leaves around your pool. So it is the perfect mix of privacy screen and decoration of the pool. A typical plant for hedges is the small -leaved green monkey orange. With proper care, this can become up to 5 meters high and approx. 6 meters wide. In summer it is full of flowers, and full of fruits in winter. So this is a great plant for the privacy of the pool.

You can also plant trees that have dense leaves to give yourself a little more privacy. In potted plants you can even breed trees such as bamboo. And you don't have to wait a few years until you are ripe. You can buy up to 9 m high trees for immediate use by the pool. Palms are another good alternative. They give their pool a relaxed and remote feeling and donations shadow and relaxation from the summer heat, so that they are perfect for the design. Create a natural garden with layers of plants and trees. The idea is to have high trees on the outside. This is followed by medium -sized plants and shrubs in the middle and finally colorful flowers, dwarf shrubs and succulents at the front. Add privacy with an original back yard. It is a great way to create an aesthetically appealing pool area. However, we recommend that you consult an expert for pool landscape design to find plants that are best suited for your local climate.

Avoid some plants

Fruit trees near the pool mean that fruit and leaves could fall into the pool. This makes cleaning the pool difficult and can damage some devices. It is also a good idea to avoid conifers. The fine needles often run through the water pump and are also difficult to clean out of the pool. This means that a layer of dirt that is equally difficult to remove can remain in the pool. In theory, flowers can look great near the pool. However, remember that where there are flowers, tooStop bees. The poor small insects drown too often in the pool. For these practical reasons, you should therefore not combine flowering plants with the pool.

Install privacy screen pool fence

The purpose of your pool is to help you relax so that your privacy fence should not look like a steel cage. Contact a specialist to choose the right materials and choose a style that offers you privacy and at the same time complements the architecture of your house. Fences can significantly increase the property value. You can choose a really impressive design instead of just building a boring old fence. You can achieve this by adding plants. You can also use climbing plants for the fence to visually improve the structure. In this case, too, it is important to ensure that this cannot be climbed by children, otherwise it will be a security risk.

You can choose from a variety of materials, from wood to plastic. Since they are available in different sizes and designs, fences are an incredible way to achieve an individual and aesthetically appealing appearance. In most cases, you have to install a security fence anyway, so you can also use it as a privacy fence. This means using wood, vinyl or another solid material and possibly extending the height of the fence in order to block the view of nearby houses. However, remember that just as for a security fence in your region, a minimum height and probably also a maximum height that is permitted for privacy fences. This means that in many cases fences alone do not solve the problem.

Add water feature

Fountain and waterfalls calm down in a natural way and they are surprisingly absorbing noise. Flowing water drowns out the clapping water so that outsiders are not disturbed by their splashes. Likewise, water features can drown out the sounds of their neighbor's loud parties. So if you don't like the idea that neighbors listen to your conversations, you can consider a water feature or another function that drown out the voices in the pleasant sound of running water. Water features are not cheap or wait, but they are great for privacy and bring a pleasant flair with them.

Protection screen or pergola

Freestanding structures such as pergolas, pool houses, pavilions and other variants block the view of outsiders and transform their garden into a more inviting room for their guests. You can also block the sun and curious neighbors at the same time with strategically placed umbrellas and canopies. Imagine how much fun this structure can do if you talk to family and friends there. Thus, they also enable more comfortable seating areas for their guests. Pergoles and pavilions define outdoor areas and can cover the view of their terrace and pool. In fact, every structure can effectively block the lines of vision, including the pool houses and their house. With this in mind, it is worth taking privacy into account if you opt for pool placement and other important aspects of your pool area.

So what would be the best option to protect privacy at the pool? The answer is not easy because it depends on the arrangement of your pool area, your budget and many other factors. In the end, you may have to use more than one of the options mentioned above to really banish the feeling of being observed. It is also worth noting that privacy has to be weighed against other priorities. Many of the options that make it difficult for other people to see their pool can also make it difficult for them to see their pool. This can be a problem if you have children who need a constant supervision by the pool, or if you simply want to enjoy the beauty of your pool as much as possible if you are in the house. All in all, the fact that there are so many variants is a good thing, even if it can be a bit overwhelming. So it is more likely that you will find the perfect solution for your pool.