Build a help for clematis for the house wall yourself: from wooden boards and strips or with nets

But what you still need for the climbing plant is a climbing aid, the plant has no detention roots to stick to vertical surfaces. There are numerous variants in retail, but these do not always cover the desired area. And then your manual talent comes into play! How? Are you not quite as manual talented? Don't worry, you don't have to be to build a practical rank aid for Clematis for the house wall. As long as you have the necessary materials and a few devices, the project will be done quickly.

Which types of rank grilles are ideal for forest trees?

Photos: Helen Pitt; Natalia Berg/ Shutterstock;@plantvibrations/ Youtube; Design: Deavita/ Canva

A bald wall, as we have already mentioned, is not an option for the Clematis because you cannot adhere to it. In addition, however, they also do not have any winding stems, nor rank and only hold on with their leaf cliffs, which are easy to revolve around the tanning aid. WhichType of scaffoldingSo does the plant need? For this reason, you need a very thin support that enables you. However, this does not mean that you can only use wire grilles. Wooden grilles are also suitable for greening the facade as long as they equip them with cord or wire. Look yourself:

Build a large rank aid for Clematis for the house wall made of wooden strips

Those:@plantvibrations/ Youtube

Wood is a classic for climbing aids, especially when it comes to DIY. The only disadvantage is that you should maintain the wood in the future by painting it regularly. Here you should be careful not to pollute the plant. All in all, a wooden cup grille is a cheap solution if it is supposed to be quick and easy. What do you need for the tendril for the house wall or garage wall?

  • Wooden strips
  • Wooden boards
  • Cordless screwdriver
  • Battery ear
  • Screw
  • Screws
  • Robust cord or wire

How to build the flower grille for the wall:

  • The first step is to take the desired dimensions and write down.
  • Then draw a sketch with the frame and positions of the thinner. With this sketch you can later drive directly to the hardware store and have the elements cut on site.
  • In the example, a distance of 40 cm was chosen between the boards. The strips stand on the sides of 15 cm each, while 30 cm distances were selected between the individual rows. However, these dimensions only serve for orientation and are individual depending on their dimensions and ideas.
  • If you have got your materials, look for a free area on which youBuild -upcan.
  • Place the boards and bring together after your sketch. You can set markings with a pencil, in the event that something slips before screwing together.
  • Screw the strips onto the boards.
Those:@plantvibrations/ Youtube
  • Screw a screwless at each interface from the board and perform. To do this, drill holes in a suitable size with the drill.
  • Then connect the eyelets with wire or cord. Tie an end around one of the extreme eyelets, take the cord/ wire through the next and wrap it around you before you go to the next. Depending on the type of clematis and size, it may be necessary to attach further rows with the wire on the plant trellis if the original distances are too short. Over time, you will see where you have to make changes and can quickly adjust the grille.
  • You can hand over the next row directly from the last eyelet or cut off the cord, knot and start from the front in the next row.
  • Screw the finished rank aid for Clematis on the house wall or dig two bars in front of the wall into the ground and attach the grille to it if you don't want to perforate the wall.

More ideas

Foto: vilax/ Shutterstock

With a small grille, you can only build the frame without tightening the filling strips and your place directly wire or cord. The strips are necessary for larger constructions to make the frame more stable.

Foto: NataliSel/ Shutterstock

You can also attach them diagonally if you like it better.

Foto: kai foret/ Shutterstock

Thin wooden sticks are also sufficient for small, one -year clematal varieties.

Photo: Natalia Berg/ Shutterstock

Place nets as climbing aid for forest turning

Photo: Helena56/ Shutterstock

Chainp wire fences and fine nets made of rope or plastic can be hung for the facade.

Photo: Helen Pitt/ Shutterstock