Maintaining the lawn - watering the lawn

Caring for your lawn means paying attention to the correct watering of the garden. One of the most important activities in summer is irrigation. However, you should also take into account other necessities such as mowing and fertilizing. A pretty, green meadow requires that we take all of that into consideration. This is the only way we can keep it looking fresh. A younger lawn also needs to be watered more often. Here we are talking about around 10 liters of water per square meter.

Caring for your lawn also means having prior knowledge of the soil underneath. Clayey soil should be watered less frequently to avoid moisture build-up. It dries more slowly and watering the lawn too frequently can cause it to start to rot. In contrast to the more sticky clay soil (when wet), sandy soils are more friable. They should be watered twice as often. The norm for both floors is 20 liters per square meter. However, in the hot summer days the norm increases to 30 liters per square meter. When watering, the moisture should reach a depth of 12 - 15 cm. This is the active depth of the grass roots.

When caring for your lawn, keep in mind that the best time to water is early evening, late afternoon, or early morning. At these times the ground is even cooler, so the water can be absorbed better by the ground because it is not immediately evaporated by the heat of the sun. Be sure to avoid watering during the day and especially at lunchtime. The small drops of water that remain on the blades of grass turn into thousands of small magnifying glasses, causing them to overheat.