Lemon tree as a houseplant – with the right care you can grow a lush citrus plant

Citrus plants are very popular on terraces or in rooms. The lushly growing plants fascinate almost all year round with their dark green, shiny leaves and intensely fragrant, white flowers. With good care you can also enjoy ripe, juicy fruits. The citrus tree can also make you dream of the south in your own four walls. We have created a compact guide for you in which you will find lots of useful information about the lemon tree as a houseplant. Even if you don't have a green thumb, you will be able to feel and enjoy the slight southern flair.

Lemon trees are undoubtedly one of the most popular potted plants. To ensure that you can enjoy the beauty of this subtropical citrus plant for a long time, appropriate care is necessary. Since the normal citrus tree, with its height of up to 4.5 meters, is too large for an apartment, there are special varieties such as “citrus limon Meyer” and “citrus limon Ponderosa” that are suitable for a lemon tree as a houseplant.

Find the right location for the lemon tree

As with other plants, the right location is crucial for care. Coming from the subtropics, where the sun shines all year round and is warm and humid, the lemon tree needs a lot of light. If you want the tree as a houseplant, you have to go for ita bright locationorganize. The tree will feel right at home in a large, south-facing window. The lack of light can be problematic for the plant, especially in winter. The leaves are pale and the tree often drops them if it doesn't get enough light. In summer you can put the tree on the terrace. The sun's rays will have a positive effect on the formation of flowers and the growth of the plant.

Lemons do not like to be in drafts and prefer higher humidity. The humidity in an apartment is usually too low for the plant to thrive, which can attract pests such as spider mites and scale insects. Therefore, ventilate the room often and spray the lemon plant regularly with water.

Plastic pots or tightly fired clay pots are suitable for growing lemon trees in containers. The containers should have waterproof sides and good water drainage at the bottom. So that the excess water is drained away and waterlogging is preventedgood drainage in the plant potof great importance. Therefore, layer small pebbles as the bottom layer in the bucket. The special citrus plant soil contains substances in which the roots are well supplied with oxygen. Otherwise, citrus plants like slightly acidic soil.

Water and fertilize properly

ItCaring for lemon treeIt works best if you water and fertilize it properly. Lemons don't like too much or too little water. The lemon plant should be watered moderately in spring, summer and autumn. Do the finger test and let the top layer of soil dry slightly before watering the next time. It is best to use lime-free water for watering. Rainwater is ideal.

Tap water should initially stand for a few days so that the lime settles to the bottom. Once the water flows out of the holes at the bottom of the pot, you no longer need to water. Remove excess water regularly. Fertilize the citrus tree every two to three weeks with a nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer that is low in phosphorus. In winter, the plant is not fertilized and only watered enough to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely.

Repot the lemon tree regularly as a houseplant

The lemon plant needs to be repotted every two to three years. If the ball is completely rooted, repotting is necessary. In the new pot there must be 2-3 cm of space between the root ball and the edge of the pot. The new plant container should be about a third larger than the root ball of the lemon tree. Then give the plant enough time to grow, because changes in the plant world take more time, especially if the light and temperatures are not exactly summery.

Trim the tree

A lemon tree does not need pruning like fruit trees, for example. You should cut it if you want to give the crown a certain shape. To ensure that the leaves inside the crown are provided with sufficient light, they should become thinner towards the inside. Pruning stimulates the growth of the tree and the branching of the branches. Remove damaged or dead branches. Branches that are too thin can also be cut out because they cannot bear fruit. Cross-growing branches can also be cut off. Use sharp and clean scissors and try to always make the cut vertically. Otherwise, water could collect on the cutting surface. You can prune a lemon tree either before the flowering period or after the main flowering and harvest period.

Overwinter the lemon tree as a houseplant

You need to overwinter the lemon tree houseplant at temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees. The location should not be changed during winter rest. A sunny winter garden would be ideal. Water the plant very sparingly and do not fertilize it. Losing a lot of leaves during this period is no cause for alarm. At low temperatures, the roots stop their activities, which is also the reason for the increased loss of leaves. After its winter quarters, the lemon tree needs to be gradually accustomed to the sun again.

Diseases and pests

It can happen that your houseplant is attacked by pests, especially in winter quarters. A plant substrate that is too moist promotes the development of various diseases. Check the exotic tree regularly, eliminate the causes of the lemon tree diseases and proceed accordingly. Basically, it can be said that lemon trees are quite susceptible to diseases.

Anyone who grows a lemon tree as a houseplant and notices honey-like, sticky and shiny secretions on its leaves is struggling with scale insects. These are located on the underside of the leaves and must be collected. Oil-based agents help with severe infestations. If you notice twisted leaves and overgrown shoots, then the lemon tree is infested with aphids. You can wipe these off with your fingers or spray them with a mixture of water and detergent. Thin webs on the tips of the shoots, which usually appear during overwintering, are a clear sign that the lemon plant is infested with spider mites. An insecticide is usually used to eliminate spider mites. Care errors, room temperatures that are too low, waterlogging or dryness can cause yellowing disease. This can be recognized by yellow or light green leaves and is a sure sign that the plant is not absorbing enough nutrients. In this case, the lemon tree in the pot needs appropriate care and the right conditions.