Choosing good neighbors for zucchini: which varieties are optimal for mixed cultivation and which are not

Are you wondering how to organize your vegetable patch and, accordingly, which plants are good neighbors for zucchini? The so-called mixed culture proves to be a wonderful planting method because plants often even protect each other if the right companion plants are chosen. We would like to give you a few ideas on what you could combine zucchini plants with to get the most out of your vegetable patch.

In order for other plants to get along with zucchini plants, they must meet a few requirements. Above all, this means that they should require the same location and care conditions. The partners should only be less demanding when it comes to nutrient conditions so that they do not compete for nutrients. The following plants are optimal:

Flowering herbs as planting partners

You not only benefit from herbs visually, but you also get fresh spices for your dishes. A particular advantage of nasturtium is that it repels some pests such as whiteflies orKeeps aphids away. So beautiful and practical at the same time.

  • Borretsch (Borago officinalis)
  • Dill (Anethum graveolens)
  • nasturtium (A larger trophy)