If you want to do something good for your body and make it firmer and more flexible, we have relaxing yoga for toned thighs for you.
Warm up with sun salutations
The stork exercise
Stand up straight, feet together. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head. Stretch your head upwards as if you wanted to grow longer. In this way you stretch the spine. While exhaling, try to touch the floor or ankles. Your knees should be straight, but if this is difficult for you, bend them slightly at first. As your spine becomes more flexible, try cupping your ankles with your hands and touching your shins with your head. Breathe in and out deeply and evenly. As you breathe in, lift your hands back above your head and then let them hang down your body.
The “Grasshopper” pose
Next comes Grasshopper pose, which not only tightens the butt and abs but also tones the thighs. Lie on your stomach. The chin must touch the floor. Breathe in. Raise your head, shoulders, arms and legs. Stay in this position as long as you can. Lower your arms and legs as you exhale. Take a short rest. This exercise is repeated three times.
More exercises at a glance
The plow
Now lie on your back. Extend your arms to the sides of your body, palms facing the floor. Shift your weight onto your arms, lift your buttocks, and lift your legs back over your head. Allow your legs to become loose and heavy. Try not to move for five inhalations and exhalations. Each time you do it, increase the time you spend in this pose. Take a short break.
The forward bend
Lie on your back. Extend your arms upwards. Raise your upper body as you inhale so that you come to a sitting position. Now, exhaling, bend forward as far as possible towards your feet. Keep your knees straight and do not bend your spine. Breathe normally. Try to lean further forward with each exhalation. Those who are more flexible can first place their stomach, then their chest and finally their head on their legs.
Yoga for toned thighs works wonders
Another exercise
Stand on your knees and hands. Lift one leg to the side and move it up and down. Start by doing 3 sets of 8 reps and gradually try to work up to 3 sets of 30 reps. Try to balance for a short time by extending the opposite arm in addition to one leg. Repeat with the other leg.
The diamond seat
Finally, the diamond seat – Do not do this exercise if you have torn tendons in your knee! Kneel with your legs spread and sit on your feet. Slowly move your upper body backwards, supporting yourself with your arms, until the back of your head touches the floor. Breathe normally and initially remain in this position for 10 seconds. If you find this pose difficult or feel a lot of tension, don't force yourself to avoid strained muscles or muscle fiber tears. To achieve an effect and improve your flexibility, repeat these exercises every day if possible.