We have already published a series of articles about healthy eating and detoxification of the human body. Today we would like to add more practical tips on nutrition. Today's post is mainly about the golden rules when it comes to eating, i.e. we're talking about what should actually be missing on the table. Because good health and a healthy diet consist of several components: these undoubtedly include the right selection of high-quality organic foods, their correct combination, the good preparation of meals and their acceptance. All elements are essential for our health as well as the basic rules for a healthy and long life.
The most important thing to remember is that you should only eat when you are truly hungry. If you're wondering whether you should eat now or not, it's better to wait a while before you eatfeel strong hunger. Then your digestive system will be fully prepared to process and absorb the foods you are about to eat.
There are manyFood Mythsout there and often you don't know what you should believe and what you shouldn't.
– Eat slowly and chew each bite thoroughly until it becomes liquid.
– Eat in a peaceful and loving atmosphere without doing other activities! For example, it is not recommended to watch TV, read the newspaper or play on the computer while eating.
– The optimal amount of food you consume at each meal should be as much as two handfuls. This rule does not apply to fruit.
– Drinking water and other liquids is good, but should be done on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating or 3-4 hours after a meal. Never drink liquids during or immediately after a meal. Otherwise, the water dilutes the gastric juice and hinders digestion. It is advisable to start the morning with half a liter of lukewarm water.
– Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices until midday and always eat seasonal and fresh fruit if possible. You can start the day with a freshly squeezed juice and then eat a fruit 40-60 minutes later, depending on your preference. Since fruits are easy to digest food, they should be eaten in the morning and mid-morning.
– The fruits are eaten one hour before a meal or at least 4 hours after a meal.
– It is best to eat a certain type of fruit or consume it in combination with at most one other. Health experts also recommend eating the citrus fruits separately. A satisfactory combination is, for example, sour fruits (grapefruit, lemon, orange, pomegranate, pineapple) and semi-sour (apples, apricots, cherries, figs, peaches, pears, grapes) or you can combine semi-sour fruits with sweet fruits (bananas, dates, dried fruits, plums).
– Nuts and seeds are high protein foods. It is better to consume these alone or in combination with a green salad. It is best to grind nuts and seeds or soak them in water for at least 12 hours.
– Nutrition tips: Do not eat peanuts raw. They should preferably be toasted.
– Sprouts and seedlings of grains and legumes are its very good choice for nutrition. It is not without reason that they are seen as the food of the future. These include alfalfa sprouts, Chinese beans, broccoli, arugula, quinoa, green buckwheat, wheat, lentils and others. They can be combined with each other. Add them to salads or all kinds of vegetables, grains and legumes.
– Always start your main meal with a salad! The enzyme-rich structure activates enzymes in the body and contributes to the breakdown of carbohydrates and protein. Very important: Salads should always be part of your daily diet. It is advisable to choose them depending on the season.
– Steamed or stewed vegetables are also recommended. In principle, steamed vegetables should follow salads or be consumed in combination with the main meal.
– It is recommended to prepare a combination of grain dishes for the main course (rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet). It is still recommended to first soak these grain products and legumes and then cook them without fat. Meals are eaten alone or in combination with steamed vegetables.
– Dairy products can be consumed, but not too often. It is advisable to consume these individually or in combination with a green salad. For example, you can choose a dairy product for lettuce and use it to make a delicious dressing. Recommended dairy products are yogurt, cottage cheese and raw goat's milk.
– If you want to eat meat, the best combination is with a green salad. Of the meat products, it is best to eat fish. You should avoid veal.
– The dishes are often refined with various spices. However, we advise you to use salt in limited quantities (preferably not iodized salt, rather dissolved in water to achieve an aqueous salt solution, or Himalayan or potassium salt).
– Other suitable spices are: cumin, turmeric, dill seeds, basil, dill, parsley, mint, spearmint, fenugreek, coriander, cardamom, paprika, cayenne pepper in small quantities.
If you want to eat a healthy and balanced diet, we would recommend that you put together your daily menu in spring, summer and early autumn predominantly from fruits and vegetables depending on the season. Let your diet consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, sprouts (about 80%), small seeds and nuts (10%) and light dishes such as steamed vegetables, rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, mung beans and lentils (10%) consist. Eat less animal products. If you follow these practical recommendations, you will enjoy good health and a long life!