Experts prove the positive effect of green tea on health

Japanese researchers prove: Tea in general contributes to good sleep and immunity is strengthened by the positive effects of green tea. According to this, a few cups of tea a day contributes to better sleep. Are you curious? Then read on to find out how you can strengthen your body with this elixir!

Research from Nihon University School of Medicine shows that real tea lovers have 50% fewer sleep problems and nightmares than those who don't drink at all or only drink 1-2 cups a day. The researchers believe that the reason for this lies in the active ingredients and the amino acid tanin. This has the ability to reduce stress and calm negative electrical activity in the brain.

Healthy consumption of tea

Another study by the Japanese University “Okayama” proves the positive effects of green tea. It reduces the risk of blood vessel diseases by up to 75%. Over 7,000 people were observed over a period of over 7 years and the results show that regularly drinking 300 ml of green tea strengthens immunity and thus reduces the risk of cancer. The reason for this is the effect of the antioxidants, of which there is no shortage in green tea. Antioxidants cleanse the blood vessel walls of cholesterol deposits.

A cup a day is like an elixir for the body

Also drink herbal tea daily

Serve in a glass jug with a glass lid

Brew in metal can