Many people like to go to the sauna when it is rainy and cold outside. Is going to the sauna just pleasantly warming and relaxing or does it have health benefits? The answer is clear. Targeted, regular sweating in the sauna has several positive effects on health, especially in the cold season. The cardiovascular system is then trained and the muscles are relaxed by the heat. This strengthens the immune system and hardens it against colds. When used correctly, saunas can improve your health.
Sauna properly – what types of sauna are there?
In the Scandinavian countries, the sauna has been traditionally used to detoxify the body and relax for around 2,500 years. In Finland, for example, we have abouta million residents have their own saunain the house. The Finnish sauna is considered classic. Inside, a high temperature of around 85-100° C is maintained and a low humidity - 10%, rising to 30% through infusions. This type of sauna has the most intensive effect on the immune system. The BI-O sauna is described as “lighter” and you sweat at a pleasant 45-60° C and a humidity of 40 – 55%. In addition, this type of sauna is perceived as gentler and puts little strain on the circulatory system, making it more suitable for sensitive people. In another type of sauna, the body is not heated by the hot air, but by infrared radiation - also called an infrared cabin/infrared sauna.
The temperature is between 38 and 50°C and is distributed throughout the body, creating a pleasant feeling. A steam bath is also considered a sauna and the temperature inside is 40 -50° C. Due to the high humidity - 40 to 100%, you have the feeling that you are sweating an extraordinary amount, but this is just an illustration. This type of sauna is very gentle on the circulation and is very effective against muscle tension. That's traditionalMaterial for building a saunanatural wood that has practical and aesthetic reasons. When used for interior cladding, it does not feel as hot in high heat as would be the case with a stone wall or tile. In addition, from a technical point of view, wood is a natural heat insulator and absorbs moisture better than other materials, with no risk of mold formation. Woods such as oak, spruce, aspen or hemlock are used. Thanks to its distinctive smell, the material contributes to a pleasant atmosphere.
How often is sauna healthy?
A single visit to the sauna is pleasant and relaxing, but only regular sauna use can achieve lasting positive effects on your health. It makes sense to go to the sauna at least once a week. If you actively do sports and feel fit and healthy, you can easily increase the number of sauna sessions. Even daily sauna bathing is not harmful.
Howlong should sauna sessions be?
The immune system is activated by the alternation between cold and warm. The body's defenses are then set, strengthened and can protect against colds and other infections. In order to benefit from this particularly valuable effect of the sauna, you actually have to take a sauna properly, and not for too long. About eight to ten minutes per sauna session at 50 to 60 degrees is good, we recommendExpert in an interviewbefore After going to the sauna, you can take a cold shower slowly, but not suddenly. No more than three sauna sessions should be planned per two hours. And above all, if you feel uncomfortable in the sauna, you should go out earlier.
asBeauty and health tip
Due to the increased blood circulation and sweating, harmful substances are removed from the body and the skin's natural protective barrier is strengthened, which has a positive effect on the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, the skin looks young and fresh after a proper sauna. People who suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis, osteoarthritis or back pain can also benefit from the sweat treatment. Sauna sessions are prohibited if you have heart failure of any kind, venous thrombosis or narrowing of the main artery, as well as after alcohol consumption and if you have fresh wounds. If you have a cold, it is also not advisable; instead, plan 10-12 visits to the sauna before the cold season and thereby strengthen your immune system.