Spirulina are so-called microalgae that are believed to be the origin of life on earth. They are the basis for the life of over a million biological species. This includes people. Spirulina algae are used in medicine as a dietary supplement because they are rich in proteins and other important substances. The Latin name of the microalgae Spirulina is Spirulina plantensis.
Spirulina algae are one of nature's most interesting and impressive creations. For example, we owe 20% of our oxygen to algae. Equally interesting is that they are staple foods in some cultures and areas, and most of the foods we eat are related to algae in some way. And that's not enough. In addition to providing nutrition, the algae can also be used for healing. The miraculous effect has been known for over 1000 years. In Japan, for example, spirulina algae were discovered as early as 6000 BC. Used as a food source. The reason for this is that they contain the most nutrients, which also have a perfect balance with each other. And the Aztecs and Maya also used algae more than usual. For example, they prepared desserts from the spirulina algae. With this, as well as with dried algae, they strengthened their organism and used it for rejuvenation treatments.
But even in today's modern world, the positive sides of spirulina algae are known and are used primarily by the indigenous populations of America and Africa. There, the algae are part of the traditional cuisine and everyday diet. However, a large number of other countries are involved in their breeding.
What do they contain?
As unbelievable as it may sound, Spirulina algae contains over 100 nutrients. These include, for example, all important amino acids. About 60 to 70 percent of the nutrients are proteins. There are also phytonutrients, blue phycocyanin, over 17 different beta-carotynoids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, strong probiotic compounds, polysaccharides (multiple sugars), chlorophyll, gamma-linolenic acid and unique pigments.
Also differentVitaminsare present. These also occur in large quantities. These include vitamins A and E, as well as B1, B2, B6, B12. When it comes to minerals, you can enjoy magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and manganese.
To give you a simple idea about the amount of vitamins, a few simple comparisons are enough. For example, spirulina algae contains 25 times more provitamin A than the same amount of carrots and 50 times more iron than spinach. As far as proteins are concerned, they are three times higher than in fish, poultry and red meat, and the vitamin E in the algae exceeds the proportion in wheat germ. In the latter the proportion is three times as small. Furthermore, the spirulina algae are said to be rich in antioxidants.
Despite the sweet taste that the algae has thanks to the simple sugar rhamnose, it is in no way dangerous for the pancreas, which produces insulin. The cholesterol found in the algae is also extremely low. One gram of spirulina algae has just 4 calories.
How are they taken?
They are available to buy in different shapes. You can choose between powder, tablets and dietary supplements. The first two variants are best. But make sure they are certified. You can add them to drinks like shakes. But it is even better if you take them in the form of tablets half an hour before eating.
What benefit do you get from it?
Since the spirulina algae strengthen the immune system, they are ideal during the fall and winter to prevent colds and the flu. In addition to these diseases, the algae can also protect against and partially combat hepatitis, anemia (anemia), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), gout, diseases of the circulatory system and chronic fatigue. The algae have antibacterial, antiviral and antimutagenic effects.
Dietary supplements can also help in the fight against excess kilos. Thanks to the proteins present, the algae are also popular among athletes who want to shape their bodies.
The algae have the ability to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. This is thanks to the gamma-linolenic acid it contains. In general, the algae are good for the blood. This is due to the non-toxic iron, which is one of the minerals it contains and is easily absorbed by the body. Another positive effect is that they relieve symptoms of arthritis and premenstrual syndrome. If you have skin problems, the spirulina algae can also help. They have a positive effect on eczema and psoriasis. The many minerals have a good effect on bones, nails and teeth.
As already mentioned, the Maya used the rejuvenating effects of spirulina algae. And they actually have such an effect and slow down the aging process. The reason for this is that they neutralize the free radicals. In cosmetics they are often used as an extract in products. The aim of these products is to stimulate and thus improve the metabolism and blood circulation of the skin and thus make it more elastic.
Even if you are a vegetarian, they are very suitable as a dietary supplement. After all, they contain twice as much protein as soy. The algae also have a positive effect on anorexia.
Further investigations are currently being carried out. The aim is to establish or prove that the spirulina algae also have a preventative effect on allergic reactions. What is certain, however, is that they offer the liver a certain level of protection.