What to do if you have summer flu? Treat common symptoms if a flu-like infection disrupts summer 2023!

Why is it that even when outside temperatures are high, you have to ask yourself what to do if you have summer flu? More and more people are having to deal with this, which can be very frustrating, especially during the holiday season. The symptoms of flu in the summer are also not always easy to recognize as they can resemble a cold. In addition, the viral infection in summer flu can be contagious, which requires some protective measures to protect other people from it. Here is some useful information and tips that can help you cope better in such a situation.

Why do you get infected in the heat and what to do if you have summer flu?

Normally, the flu virus causes unpleasant symptoms in the respiratory tract, with the viral infection affecting a large portion of the population each year. However, it can be more difficult to contract such a disease in the summer months. This is because flu viruses are most active mainly in the fall and winter. During this time of year, dry air, low temperatures and time spent indoors also contribute to the higher incidence.During flu seasonThe virus therefore uses the environment with low humidity and cold, which lead to increased susceptibility to infections.

Although flu is contagious all year round, there are significantly fewer cases in the summer between May and September. Even though it is less likely, many people get it. Similar to the course of the disease in autumn, summer flu can take between three days and two weeks for the virus to develop. Additionally, it can take anywhere from a day to a week before symptoms appear. But would it make sense to take medication for summer flu and when are antiviral medications most effective?

How can a viral infection be treated medically in summer?

Typically, you should take antiviral medications within 48 hours of symptoms appearing to counteract the duration and severity of the illness. If the person has also been vaccinated against it, the active ingredient should be able to help. In addition, mild to moderate respiratory infections caused by the flu virus can be treated without medical help with plenty of rest and adequate fluid intake.

A combined approach with over-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol would be useful if you have a high fever, muscle pain or other more serious symptoms. Those with strong immune systems usually experience no or only mild symptoms that go away on their own. However, in some cases, summer flu can lead to complications that require hospitalization and concomitant therapy. But how can you distinguish summer viruses from the common flu and which symptoms of the summer virus occur most often in the summer months?

What symptoms are typical and what to do if you have summer flu at home?

Many different viruses affect people in the summer, most of which belong to the group of enteroviruses. The heat promotes the best conditions for their development, and the clinical picture is very similar regardless of the strain: fever, upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. However, the 2023 summer flu also has an asymptomatic course, whereby the infection is relatively mild and does not require medical attention. If the infection occurs within 2-3 days, it does not pose a danger, but what do children do with summer flu if they have serious symptoms? Medicine does not offer any special antidotes for such viruses, although you as a parent could treat your little one's symptoms based on the symptoms.

Above all, it is important to act as you would with the common flu by eating a healthy diet and getting rest. Typically, viral infection begins quickly and unexpectedly in summer, usually with an increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is advisable to stay at home and hydrated by drinking pure water, teas orfresh fruit juicestake in. As a result, if you strengthen your immunity, the temperature usually begins to fall on the second day. When it comes to summer flu, epidemiologists are currently trying to prevent the emergence of some more serious virus strains that cause neurological manifestations such as encephalitis or meningitis. However, there will be few such cases in 2023.

Can you prevent flu in the summer?

There are people who face higher health risks after such a viral infection, which is why they should be treated with particular caution. This includes pregnant women, older people over 65 years of age, people with a weakened immune system and children under 2 years of age. In all cases, timely diagnosis and treatment are extremely important for successful treatment. Additionally, while there is no guarantee that you will be safe from summer flu, taking some timely protective measures could reduce the risk. Given the symptoms, you can therefore try to strengthen your immune system by eating fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats.

Mental health is also an important factor, and healthy sleep is essential for a better immune system. Therefore, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night by using less media. Another effective measure is to wash your hands regularly and shower as often as possible in summer. As with other seasonal flus, the same hygiene rules also apply in the summer months. Also pay more attention to disinfecting yourself and your belongings after spending time in public areas. But what does it look like if you already have a flu infection and what else can you do if you have summer flu using home remedies?

How to support the body and what to do if you have summer flu to relieve the symptoms?

If you have already been infected with the flu virus, there are some steps you can take to relieve summer flu-like symptoms. To this end, you can try some home remedies and self-treatment methods if you cannot see your doctor immediately.

  • Combine over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol with cough suppressants and take them with plenty of fluids.
  • If you have a sore throat, try to drink as much broth, tea and warm drinks as possible, they have a beneficial effect.
  • Ventilate your home or the room you are in, or use humidifiers when possible to make breathing easier.
  • Inhale with chamomile for coughs and colds, as this also has a positive effect on the respiratory tract.
  • Eat light meals that are not too spicy or fatty to avoid stressing your stomach.
  • Add foods and dishes such as chicken soup, broccoli, spinach, blueberries, tomatoes, garlic, yogurt and honey to your daily menu. All of these are vitamin-rich and probiotic food sources that are known to be able to support the immune system in fighting viruses.