Fighting a detergent allergy: Causes and tips for relieving the symptoms

Before the washing machine was invented, washing the laundry was real hard work. For hours, women worked with primitive means of getting the dirty clothes clean again. On the other hand, the completion of the laundry is almost child's play. It is more difficult to choose the right detergent. It should smell well, fight all stains effectively, be cheap and ideally do not cause any problems. More and more people have to struggle with the effects of conventional detergents and have developed a corresponding intolerance. If you suffer from a detergent allergy or have allergy sufferers in the household, you should therefore be particularly careful when choosing your detergent. We explain how you can effectively combat a detergent allergy.

Shoes in the washing machine?

Basically, nothing speaks against if you wash your shoes in the washing machine. However, you should check beforehand whether you are also washing machine -safe. Because particularly high quality andSensitive real leather shoescan be damaged in the washing machine. In the case of stubborn stains and contaminants, however, the washing machine is a tried and tested means of ballerinas, sneakers orWhite sneakers clean againto get. It is important that you only wash the shoes at low temperatures of a maximum of 30 degrees and with a mild detergent. Inner sole and laces should be removed beforehand and the shoes should be put in a separate bag. To avoid deformations, stuff newspaper in your shoes after the wash and let them dry in the fresh air.

Problem case detergent allergy: the possible causes

Most of the detergents available in stores contain potential allergens. Are very oftenattached fragrancesResponsible for allergies. Although these are not necessary for efficient cleaning of the laundry, a detergent can of course be sold better if it smells good. Unfortunately, fragrance notes of fresh spring meadow are not achieved by adding spring flowers, but by flavorings. And these are the main trigger for allergic reactions.

But what does such a detergent allergy actually look like? The most common symptoms are itching and reddening of the skin up to the rash. A diagnosis is not always easy, as it is part of the nature of contact allergies that they only appear in time. A walk to the dermatologist or allergist is therefore essential. Because only one specialist can helpof the so-called patch testFind out which ingredients are actually the cause of the allergy.

Fighting detergent allergy effectively: what helps?

A short -term relief of the symptoms can be achieved by the “contaminated” laundry underwent a new wash without adding detergent. Ideally, this second cleaning takes place at high temperatures, because this best removes the pollutants from the clothing. Unfortunately, many of today's clothing are too sensitive to withstand high temperatures, so the success of this mission is not always secured. Due to the high time and energy expenditure, this procedure is of course not a long-term solution.

The problem must be packed at the root. After a precise diagnosis by a specialist, you have the option of avoiding products that contain the questionable substances. There are a number of detergents on the market that are produced on a natural basis and do without synthetic substances.

The widespread fear that natural detergents do not wash so cleanly is a myth andthrough scientific analyzes long agorefuted.