Barbecuing in the park with our loved ones, taking a hike through the forest and enjoying the sun - we love summer! With the rising temperatures, we are increasingly drawn to the outdoors and outdoor adventures sound particularly tempting. Unfortunately, summertime is also tick time and it can happen that we bring a parasite home with us. We all know that we always have to search for excursions. But what should we do if we have already been bitten by a tick? How can a tick bite be treated? Is a skin change after a tick bite dangerous and when should you see a doctor? So that you don't ruin your summer, we've done some research for you and explained everything you need to know about it!
Treating tick bites: How to remove ticks from people?
It's not just our pets that get bitten by ticks - a tick bite can affect absolutely any of us. Especially when we are often out in nature, we should always examine our bodies thoroughly. The single most important thing to do when you spot a tick is thisto be removed as quickly as possible. The parasites are not only annoying, but also carriers of two serious diseases – Lyme disease and TBE. And this is how a tick can be removed from people:
- Grasp the tick firmly just above the skin with fine, pointed tweezers.
- To prevent pathogens and fluids from getting into the wound, you should never squeeze the tick.
- Hold for about 40-50 seconds - sometimes the ticks remove the clamp on their own.
- Now pull the tick out slowly and straight. Since the parasites hold on with barbs, you may want to pull a little harder.
- Check the area to see if you have removed the entire tick.
- Finally, clean the affected area thoroughly with alcohol or disinfectant. Alternatively, you can also use soap and water.
- If remnants of the tick remain in the skin, don't worry at first. This is usually part of the stinging apparatus and the foreign body is rejected on its own after 1-2 days. If this is not the case or if you notice skin changes after a tick bite, contact a doctor immediately!
Skin changes after a tick bite: what should you do?
The most important step in treating a tick bite is of course removing the tick. However, in some cases, a red circle may form around the affected area after a tick bite. The bump usually appears within a few days or a week and feels tender and warm to the touch. It is difficult to tell in the early stages whether this is a harmless reaction or a disease such as Lyme disease or TBE. Skin irritations usually go away on their own within 2-3 days. If the skin changes persist after the tick bite or even get bigger, then it is time to see a doctor.
If a red circle forms and spreads after a tick bite, this is called erythema migrans. This usually develops within a few days of the bite, but in some cases it can develop after around 30 days. The redness has a diameter of around 6-10 centimeters and spreads outwards. Therefore, it is important that you observe the affected area every day and contact a doctor if you suspect an infection. Even if you suffer from fever, fatigue or a severe headache, you should seek medical treatment for the tick bite. Without appropriate therapy, the disease progresses and, in the worst case, can spread to other organs.
Does the tick bite itch after weeks?
As with other parasites that feed on blood, ticks have chemicals in their saliva. Before they start sucking blood, the ticks release these active substances that act like a kind of anesthetic. Since this makes us insensitive to pain, we don't notice the sting at all at first. A tick bite usually doesn't itch. However, it can sometimes happen that the affected area becomes infected with bacteria after removal. But you don't need to panic right away - if the itching goes away after 3-4 days, it is not an infection. In this case, you can relieve the itching with various home remedies or ointments, but do not scratch! The tick bite still itches after weeks and redness has formed? To rule out a possible infection with pathogens or to treat the tick bite, consult a doctor.
Tick protection is very important for both animals and people from spring to around October. To treat or prevent a tick bite, it doesn't always have to be chemical products from the store. There are many effective natural home remedies for ticks that are just as effective andwhich can deter parasites. And here are the best home remedies you can use as tick protection. But before you try some of them, we need to clarify something. The effects are not scientifically confirmed and our list is based more on experience. Therefore, home remedies may not work as effectively for you.
Coconut oil as tick protection
Coconut oil is a real all-rounder when it comes to skin and hair care. Therefore, it is no surprise that we can use it as a tick repellent. The antimicrobial ingredients lauric acid and capric acid deter parasites. The caprylic acid it contains also acts as a natural insecticide and can therefore dissolve the shell of ticks and other insects. To protect yourself, simply rub vulnerable areas of your body with coconut oil and you're ready for your next outdoor adventure.
Treat tick bites: Garlic against ticks and insects
Ticks are more attracted to some odor components, such as sweat. However, other smells can repel the parasites. An extremely effective home remedy to keep ticks and all insects away from you is garlic. To do this, you can either chew 1-2 cloves of garlic before going for a walk or rub it on vulnerable parts of the body, such as calves and ankles.