Hanging the ironing board – tips for attaching a wall bracket or ironing board bracket

Of the many household chores, ironing bed linen or clothes is perhaps the most tiring, especially if you also want to hang up your ironing board afterwards. Two other elements often add to the effort caused by the work. The first is to locate the ironing board in the meanders of your laundry room. The second reason for discomfort is that you have to either buy a suitable wall mount for it or assemble it yourself.

It is often uncomfortable to get the ironing board out of the cupboard while you have to bend forward and assume an ill-placed back position. If your room is small and narrow, you have to try not to hit a shelf, door or wall. Finding the right solution for storing ironing boards in small apartments doesn't necessarily have to be a difficult task.

Ideas for a compact ironing station

If you are a person who prioritizes an organized and tidy home, your attention is probably always focused on a practical storage solution. With their help, bulky but still needed objects should normally be stored in the best possible wayorganized in the laundry roombecome.

In fact, due to lack of space, you may not be able to have all the household appliances you need on hand in your home. In addition, the cumbersome dimensions sometimes do not allow to carry out an ironing board wall mounting to keep this accessory always available. Here's a simple guide if you want to hang up your ironing board and keep it handy somewhere nearby. Just follow our simple tips to attach a small ironing board and the ironing board holder you need to the wall.

Place ironing board for ironing station

If you have a small steam ironing board or active ironing table, you must first decide where you want to position or mount it. The location you choose should be as spacious as possible to allow a certain amount of freedom of movement. As a rule, small washrooms are used for this, but if you don't have one, you must at least try to avoid possible obstacles. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable area in which to hang the ironing board while also hiding it.

One idea would be to attach the ironing board mount to a portion of the wall behind a door. In this case, however, make sure that there is enough space there. If this is an access door, you need to be able to open and close it. Once you have chosen the location, there are two alternatives. The first is to fold the ironing board onto a wooden board with two hooks. The second option is to make your work easier by drilling holes for the hooks directly on the wall.

Take the dimensions into account

A useful tip for attaching the ironing board to the wall would be to carefully take all measurements in advance. In addition to accurately calculating the rooms, it is important to optimally estimate the different heights. This will save you unnecessary effort and avoid any incorrectly drilled holes on the wall. For this reason, you need to correctly calculate the distance between the point where you hang an ironing board and the rest of the objects in the room. It is also necessary to take into account the length between the points to be drilled and the ground. In fact, this must be at least 10 cm longer than the ironing board.

Obtain the appropriate materials and tools

To mount a bracket on the wall with hooks when hanging your ironing board, it is of great importance what building materials and materials you will purchase for it. As a rule, you can attach the bracket holder to a shelf that must be sturdy enough.

Also take the weight of the board into account and remember that it may be too heavy for the wall mount. Before undertaking any type of assembly, it is recommended to ensure that the panel is sturdy. The hooks must also be strong so that your hanging board can last for a long time.

Also, avoid handling tools that you are not really familiar with. If you hang an ironing board, assembly may take some time. In addition, materials and tools for construction are not always easy to use. The advice in this case would be to carefully familiarize yourself with screws, drills, screwdrivers and other instruments if you do not have practicality with them. There are also two other reasons for this.

If you use a drill/driver indiscriminately, you risk causing significant damage to the wall. If you drilled the holes at the wrong distance or too deep into the wall surface, the cost of the ironing board can be cheap or quite expensive. As a result, you will either have to repair the damaged part on your own or hire a repairman to do the job. You can also harm yourself and there is also a risk of injury if used incorrectly. In such cases, use an alternative material such as hot glue that is suitable for wood. You will definitely find the corresponding classic glue guns on the market.

Use a clothes hanger

However, if you don't dare to do such a DIY project, there is another option. Our suggestion in this case would be to buy a hanger or get it from your closet. You can then simply screw this onto the desired section of wall and then hang the ironing board or ironing board holder on it. You just have to make sure that the hooks are positioned at the correct distance.