Coconut oil against ticks: A non-toxic and effective alternative for humans and animals!

Tick ​​bites are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health because they transmit dangerous diseases such as TBE (tick-borne encephalitis) and Lyme disease. That's why it's especially important to protect both yourself and your dog or cat from them. However, if you're like me and don't want to use harsh products, coconut oil is a safe and effective alternative. In this article we explain how coconut oil works against ticks and how you can use it.

According to a study conducted in a Berlin laboratory, pure coconut oil is extremely tick-repellent because it contains up to 60 percent lauric acid. This in turn has a deterrent effect on insects due to its aroma. In the experiment conducted with a solution of this acid, between 80 and 100 percent of the bloodsuckers escaped from the tested surface. This certainly suggests that coconut oil is an effective protection against ticks, without having to use sprays containing chemical ingredients like Icaridin and DEET. It is therefore particularly suitable for people with sensitive skin for whom aggressive products cause allergies and irritation. Plus, it will be much cheaper in the long run because coconut oil has many benefits in the home and for your dog! You can tell which ones they arefind out here!

Does coconut oil help against ticks on pets? Yes, it helps as long as you choose an organic product. Coconut oil is obtained from the dried pulp of the coconut, which is extremely high in fat (up to 70 percent). But that's precisely why it contains so much lauric acid, which is a saturated fatty acid. However, processing reduces these values. That's why it's important to know these facts and buy virgin coconut oil if you want to use it for tick prevention and want it to be truly effective.

How do you use coconut oil against ticks

When you go for a walk in the park, have a picnic in the woods, or simply invite friends over for a backyard barbecue, take a small amount of organic coconut oil and rub it between your hands. Don't worry if it's hard. It melts imperceptibly when it comes into contact with your body temperature. Apply it to all exposed parts of the body. Rub thoroughly and choose coconut oil with at least 50 percent lauric acid to enhance the effects. Pay particular attention to the area around your ankles and calves. Never wear sandals when doing the above activities, but instead wear sneakers and socks. After a few hours you should renew the protection.

  • Tipp: If you want to use essential oils as an additional repellent, mix a few drops of them into the coconut oil. Good scents that can repel mosquitoes include peppermint, eucalyptus or lavender. Apply to a small area beforehand as essential oils can irritate sensitive skin.

Coconut oil against ticks – how to use it correctly on pets? Apply the coconut oil to your pet's fur. Pay special attention to the paws because at least my dog ​​has a habit of licking them quickly after I oil them. So I rub the oil into his paws a little longer to make sure it's absorbed before he licks them off.

  • Notice: Coconut oil is also very effective against mosquitoes. The reason for this lies in the high content of lauric acid in organic coconut oil. Another benefit you can get from a high-quality oil is that it also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve your pain and itching after a sting.

Other precautions you can take

Check for ticks after outdoor walks:The longer the tick is stuck, the greater the risk of contracting Lyme disease. That's why it's important to carry out checks after returning from a walk outside so that you can remove the bloodsucker as quickly as possible, before it has had a chance to transmit Lyme disease to you.

Checking for ticks can be done in two ways:

  • Physical examinations by feeling for ticks to find those that are in more hidden places.
  • Visual inspections where you look for very small dark spots the size of a pin. You may need someone else's help to check your back for ticks. Parents should check their child's entire body for ticks daily.