Cleaning the kitchen with shampoo: This is how you use the miracle cure

Household hacks, especially when it comes to cleaning, are always a welcome thing, right? And if you want to avoid aggressive chemical cleaning agents, we have a great alternative for you today: hair wash. We would like to explain to you how you can clean the kitchen with shampoo and, more precisely, which areas are suitable for this atypical remedy.

Cleaning the kitchen with shampoo: What is possible?

First of all: No, you don't have to use your expensive branded shampoo to clean the kitchen sink, cupboards, etc. Of course that would be a shame and is absolutely not necessary. You can also use any other budget shampoo from the supermarket or drugstore. How exactly do you use it and what surfaces can you clean with shampoo in the kitchen?

Clean the kitchen with shampoo – These surfaces are suitable

  • On the one hand, there is thissink, which probably gets the most dirt in the form of greasy food residue. Hair washes dissolve grease wonderfully, so using them in the kitchen sink is a really good idea.
  • Have onegreasy grillon the work surface or does the oven look anything but appetizing? These and othersMetal surfacesyou can clean with shampoo in the kitchen.
  • TheTile backsplashis another surface that quickly becomes a victim of fat splashes, especially when frying, and the fact that it runs vertically makes cleaning even more difficult. Luckily, this easy-care material can also be cleaned quickly and easily with hair shampoo.
  • Closet doorsmay also be cleaned depending on the material. With wood you should be careful and first test in an invisible area or leave it as it is. The detergent can also leave streaks or stains on this material that cannot be removed or can only be removed with great difficulty.
  • Beim CeranfeldThe usual cleaning agents are to be preferred.
  • The worktop is only recommended for cleaning to a limited extent. This not only depends on the material, but also how well you remove the shampoo you used at the end. Keep in mind that if you don't wipe the plate thoroughly beforehand, you will put food on it that might taste like shampoo.

The big advantage of cleaning the kitchen with shampoo?A practical protective layer also forms on the cleaned surfaces, which will protect them from stubborn dirt again for a while.

Hair wash as a cleaning hack - here's how to do it

You only need three things if you want to clean the kitchen with shampoo: hair wash (of course), a cloth or sponge and warm water.

  • Apply with the moistened sponge or clotha small amountof the shampoo onto the desired surface. It is not for nothing that we emphasize that you should not overdo it with the quantity. Shampoo foams a lot, as you know, and if you use too much, it will be harder to wipe off afterwards. If the first amount of shampoo is not enough, you can always add more.
  • Distribute the product evenly. For more stubborn dirt such as dried grease, you can also scrub a little.
  • Wipe the surface thoroughly clean with the warm water.