Clean the cowhide carpet: Maintain and clean your real fur carpet with these home remedies!

Each single cowhide carpet has its own, unique coloring and its own design. Customers often buy real fur carpets for two main reasons. Either choose a carpet because of its aesthetic value, or you choose a carpet with the intention of upgrading an existing color scheme. In addition to its aesthetic value, a fur carpet can convey a feeling of cosiness in a bedroom or serve as an eye -catcher on a floor. Due to the longevity of the carpet, it can also be used in heavily frequented places such as corridors. How you can clean and maintain your cowhide carpet, discover here!

Why are these carpets so popular?

  • Durable

Cow fur carpets are very durable because they are made of leather: customers who buy a real fur carpet often enjoy their purchase for several years, provided they take care of it appropriately. These carpets can hold for years and keep their smooth and comfortable texture.

  • Hypollellegen

Most high-quality cowhide carpets do not give a smell, are suitable for allergy sufferers and are not harmful to health. They guarantee a clean air and ensure a pleasant breath experience, even though they are lesshave to be cleaned regularly.

  • Simple maintenance effort

With these fur carpets, it is sufficient to suck or shake the carpet to remove loose particles and dust. You do not have to adhere to a certain care program, nor do you have to develop complicated cleaning strategies. You can also brush the carpet with a hard plastic brush to keep the dirt in chess and soften the hair of the carpet so that it is easier to walk.

The fact that these fur carpets are easy to clean and maintain may be a pleasant surprise for them.

Carpet made of cowhide vacuuming

To keep your carpet clean and free of dirt, you should only use a broom or a vacuum cleaner. Always use the supplied vacuum cleaner head.

Turn the right care - carpet regularly

By regularly turning your carpet, you can distribute the wear caused by foot traffic, which contributes to the fact that your carpet maintains its amazing, natural colors and textures.

Keep the fur carpet dry and do not wash

You must make sure that your fur carpet doesn't get wet. This can lead to the carpet curls and even loses its shape completely. It is not recommended to wash the fur carpet in the washing machine, clean or cum with a steam cleaner. You should not clean your carpet chemically and do not bleach, iron or dry in the tumble dryer, as all of these things can shorten the lifespan of your carpet.

Protect the carpet from direct sunlight

It is ideal to protect the carpet from direct sunlight, but after cleaning you should turn it around and let it dry in the sun for a while. In this way, you prevent the color from deteriorating during the drying and disinfection process. Please be careful and limit the time that spends the patch of the fur in the sun to a few hours.

Clean the cowhide carpet and remove stains

It is in your interest to treat stains on a cowhide carpet as soon as you appear. Rind leather is naturally insensitive to stain andMost spotscan be removed by rubbing off the affected area with a damp cloth and a tiny amount of water. However, you should exercise caution when processing cowhide and do not use too much water or other liquid cleaning agents.

  1. Sow up with paper towels or rags as much fluid as you can. If solids are available, you should pick them up and throw them away. When the solids are hardened, you can carefully scrape them off the carpet fibers with the cutting edge of a butter knife or a spoon.
  2. Wipe the area where the stain was created with a lighter cloth soaked in water, in the direction of the hair. When cleaning cowhops, water is often sufficient to remove the remaining discoloration of a buried fabric.
  3. If the stain is still available with water after cleaning the affected area, try to treat it with a small amount of clear shampoos, for example with baby shampoo. Moist a light cloth and apply a tiny amount of the shampoo on it. However, make sure that you do not soak the cloth completely with water. Apply the shampoo on the fur and rub it in to remove the stain, in the same direction in which the hair grow.
  4. Rinse the cloth in clean water after you have thoroughly removed the spot and then wipe the fur in the direction of hair growth to remove any cleaning agent remains.

Get real fur carpet clean and remove urine stains

It is possible that you have to use a solution made of white vinegar and water to remove urine from your cowhide carpet.For all pet Urinfleckenthe same rules apply. If the liquid stain removal described above is unsuccessful and your carpet is still stinking according to animal urine, replace the cleaning solution with a tablespoon of white vinegar, which was diluted with 500 ml of water. Then go to the next step, which is to use the method already described to remove stains.

Clean the cow fur carpet and remove the smell

After drying the fabric, it can be helpful to dust it with baking powder and leave it lying for a whole day to remove any smells. After a waiting time of twenty -four hours, remove the baking powder with a vacuum cleaner from the hair and then carefully scratch with a blunt knife towards the hair to restore the fluffy structure.