We'll show you instructions on how to paint cool patterns with paint. You can make squares, stripes, dots and ombre wall designs yourself. Be inspired by the examples and decorate with lotscreativityyour own four walls. All you need for your new DIY project is cardboard, tape and paint.
Make your own wall design – paint geometric motifs with paint
Simply cut a template out of cardboard and draw it on the wall at precise intervals. Then fix the template with adhesive tape - this way you mark the areas that will later be painted in accent colors. Finally, paint the tape with the background shade, let it dry, and then color in the triangles. The selection of theColorsIt's up to you - in any case, pastel colors look much better.
Do your own wall design – points in the children's room
The points are attached similar to geometric shapes /squares, triangles, circles/. These are particularly suitable for the baby's room - so it looks cute and at the same time the dots automatically attract the little ones' attention. In this case, pastel colors such as mint are ideal as a background color - they can be perfectly combined with delicate pink and beige. Instructions and other exciting ideas for other rooms and with other motifs can be found in the photo gallery below. The wall paints are from Colorhousepaint - the US-based company is known across the ocean for their high-quality paints.
First paint the wall in the background color
Then mark the position of the points
And this is what the end result looks like
Geometric patterns decorate the dining room – instructions
Paint the wall in a light shade
Cut out a template from cardboard
Attach the template with adhesive tape and mark
The tape should be positioned like this
Then paint over the tape with the background color
At the end, grind out the patterns
Do your own wall design – the dining room
Wall design with color – bedroom with an original accent
Paint the wall, then spray with water
Then paint a dark shade - you have to work with a brush
The accent color for the wall in the bedroom
And spray again with water
Spice up the wall with geometric patterns
Make your own wall design – color gradient
Make your own wall design – the two-part wall
Make your own wall design – paint a zig-zag pattern
Make your own wall design – the color-divided wall
Wall design with chalkboard paint in the kitchen
The projects shown above with colors fromColorhousepaint