When it comes to Christmas classics, many people probably think of gingerbread. Many Christmas motifs can be created with this dough, including gingerbread men and of course gingerbread houses. Although they can be eaten, these figures are mostly used for decoration. The reason for this is that gingerbread, like cookies, has a fairly long shelf life. After you bake gingerbread, you can also use it to create various other things and decorations, a selection of which we would like to introduce to you.
Maybe you're now thinking that the gingerbread house isn't really anything special after all. However, you are not entirely right. Because with icings and decorations made from various sweets, you can bake an interesting gingerbread crispy house that is anything but ordinary. How about, for example, baking a gingerbread witch house and decorating it with Smarties and jelly sweets? For the ideas for gingerbreadbakeimagination is required!
When you bake a gingerbread house, you can also make it special by displaying it in an interesting way. Glass bell jars are wonderfully suitable for this purpose. Marshmallows or lots of powdered sugar can represent snow, and specially designed cookies you bake from gingerbread can create the rest of the scenery.
You can make your own gingerbread using any gingerbread recipe. At the end of the article we have put together some links with different variants. These mini houses are also a cute decoration that you can bake from gingerbread. You can see which elements you need for this in the instructions. Cut out the individual elements before baking.
Finally, all you have to do is assemble everything by using icing to glue and decorate the gingerbread. You can use sprinkles, powdered sugar or chop up candy canes and sprinkle them on the roofs of houses. The best way to break up the sticks or other candies is to place them in a plastic bag and then pound them fairly roughly with a meat mallet or small hammer.
When you bake and decorate these mini cookies, you can then use them for different purposes. Make your friends happy by serving coffee with the mini houses as a snack or attach a string to the roof to hang the houses on a Christmas bouquet or the Christmas tree for an interesting decoration.
If you bake gingerbread to cut out, no matter what shape, you will of course also need a suitable cookie cutter. These are great for cookies. But there are also special models like this one that make it easier for you to get the individual elements for a gingerbread house. You can order such a cookie cutter here.
You can even create a Christmas tree if you bake gingerbread. This becomes particularly chic if you use star-shaped gingerbread. A total of 20 stars were needed for this Christmas tree, which should get smaller and smaller towards the top. The individual layers are attached to each other with icing like icing.
How you design the Christmas tree is entirely up to you. You can also determine the height yourself. You can decorate Christmas tree decorations with various candies, icing, sprinkles or edible beads. By the way, such a tree is also a wonderful gift idea, don't you think?
Instead of stars, you can also use cake base for a tree. Take your time when designing and feel free to come up with something yourself. The individual bases are fixed together with a thick layer of glaze or cream. Powdered sugar can then imitate snow by sprinkling it over the cake.
Since we have already mentioned the cake, we would also like to introduce you to this easy variant that you can choose. It is basically a gingerbread cake that is simply decorated with any topping to make it look more interesting and Christmassy. Even decorations like these fir trees are suitable. Use any gingerbread recipe you like.
Gingerbread muffins, which you can quickly transform into a cupcake with a topping and pretty decorative elements, are also very trendy. Such a heart or a star is suitable as a decoration. You bake the gingerbread heart using a regular recipe.
Gingerbread looks particularly interesting when it is designed in an unusual shape. Such sticks are handy and not difficult to make. In themselves they would look rather boring, so you should design them however you like. Whether you create patterns with glazes, faces or other motifs is entirely up to you.
Have you ever seen spoons that can be consumed? How about you just make some yourself? It can be used to stir cocoa or coffee or to make ice cream and eat it at the same time. If you can't find a suitable cookie cutter, try making the spoons yourself.
If you would like to bake the classic as a Christmas tree decoration, you can come up with great combinations in addition to simple pendants. Regardless of whether you bake a gingerbread man or choose another shape, combining the resulting cookies with a wooden spoon, you can decorate the Christmas tree in a special way.
When baking gingerbread for the Christmas tree, you can use any Christmas or winter cookie cutters and then decorate them. Fondant can be used to create attractive, edible decorations. The fondant is rolled out and cut out. Of course, you can also create something freehand with colored icings after you bake the gingerbread tags.
How you store the cookies depends on what it will be used for. If it is intended for consumption, then it should be packed in an airtight tin can. But this only happens two days after you bake the gingerbread so that it is no longer warm and moist. Line parchment paper in the tin. To make the gingerbread, which has now become hard, soft again, add an apple half, which must be replaced every two days. Alternatively, a piece of orange or tangerine peel is also suitable. At a temperature of around 17 degrees, the gingerbread lasts for up to eight weeks.
A great idea that you can try are these snowflake-shaped cookies, for which you use the best-fitting cookie cutters. In addition, the cookies should be decorated after they have cooled, as was done here. Now you can create a variety of decorations.
We certainly don't need to mention again that you can make pendants out of the snowflakes. This pretty Christmas wreath is also a wonderful idea. You can attach the cookies to a ring with a strong glue. Then the cookies can no longer be eaten. Keep this in mind if you have small children!
Maybe you have a birthday child during the Christmas season who you would like to surprise with a birthday cake. For this idea you first have to prepare the cake and cookies. The cake is then spread with a topping of your choice. Finally, the cooled and decorated snowflakes are simply stuck into the cake.
If the classic cookie cutters are too boring for you, you can also design the dough in other ways. Simply stamp any motif onto the dough. After baking, brush the cookies with sugar water and they are ready to serve. Although the gingerbread cookies are probably too good to eat.
Children in particular can have a lot of fun with cookies on a stick. They are also suitable as gifts. Both young and old will be happy to receive a cookie box. Simply pack cookies like this or make a bouquet of cookies to give as a gift. The stems can be attached to the back of the cookies with icing.
The mini gingerbread houses that we have already introduced to you are also suitable for creating desserts on a stick. Above you can also see a variation on how you can display the gingerbread on a stick or wrap it as a gift. Instead of balls, the container can also be filled with marshmallows or other sweets.
You've probably heard of the so-called cake pops. If you want to prepare them for Christmas, you will of course need the finished gingerbread as a basis. The cake pops themselves are not baked. The gingerbread is then mixed with other ingredients and formed into balls. You can find another variant in one of the links at the end of the article.
Since the gingerbread hardens after a very short time, it is wonderfully suitable for making such containers. You can use it to pack gifts, cookies and other things. A really great idea that will attract everyone's attention as decoration. To learn how to bake this gingerbread idea, follow the link below.
You can find a selection of gingerbread recipeshere.
Gingerbread Cake Pops – Recipehere.
Designing gingerbread boxes – instructionshere.
Muffin recipehere.
Bake vegan gingerbread without eggs – recipehere.
Bake gingerbread without sugar – recipehere.
Diabetic gingerbread baking recipehere.
Bake nut gingerbread yourself – recipehere.
Bake gingerbread without flour – recipehere.