Make your own popcorn in the pot – healthy and delicious!

Are you a popcorn fan? If so, then you might be interested in this good news: popcorn is a healthy snack! The snack is not only high in fiber and low in calories, but also provides 4 g of protein per serving. But microwave popcorn contains hydrogenated oil and flavor enhancers. Chemical substances that can be harmful to health are also used to make popcorn bags. Homemade corn popcorn not only tastes delicious, but is also much healthier.

Are you planning a movie night with your friends this week? But you don't have a popcorn machine or microwave? No worries! You can make popcorn in a saucepan.

Even if you are on a diet, you can still enjoy this snack. You should definitely avoid butter. If you top popcorn with grated Parmesan cheese, you'll only add 22 calories.

Making your own popcorn is actually quite simple. For this you need 60 g of popcorn, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and a little salt to taste! This is the basic recipe, but you can of course also try many sweet or savory versions.

1. Put the sunflower oil in a large cooking pot, preferably made of stainless steel. Place the pot on the stove and heat the oil over medium heat.

2. Before adding all the corn kernels, do a quick test with a few kernels. Wait for these to rise.

3. Then add the rest of the popcorn kernels and cover the pot. Remove the pot from the heat and count 30 seconds.

4. Return the pot to the stovetop. The buffer corn should start popping soon. Shake the pot back and forth. Try to leave the lid slightly open to release the steam from the popcorn.

5. Once the pause between pops has lasted several seconds, remove the pot from the heat and immediately pour the popcorn into a large bowl.

Kitchen tip:

With this technique, almost all corn kernels rise and do not burn. If most of your corn kernels aren't rising properly, it's likely that you didn't add enough oil or that you cooked them at very low heat.