In today's article we would like to introduce you to an exotic fashion spice, namely the tonka bean. It has excellent taste properties, which is why it is hard to imagine gourmet cuisine without it. Below you will find useful information about the trendy ingredient as well as delicious tonka bean recipes that will bring a new taste experience to your menu.
What is a tonka bean?
Tonka beans are actually the almond-shaped seeds of the tonka tree. The tonka beans are only sold after the fruit of the tonka tree has been completely dried. They predominantly thrive in South America, Venezuela and the Caribbean. The great variety of flavors makes this exotic newcomer something very special.
The taste of the tonka bean is a combination of almonds, marzipan, licorice, caramel and vanilla. The brown-black bean is characteristically sweet and aromatic, and is used as a substitute for the vanilla bean. The beguiling tonka bean can not only be used as a spice, but also in natural medicine, aroma therapy and incense. It is also used as an additive in men's perfumes.
The spice contains the active ingredient coumarin. For this reason, you should use tonka beans sparingly. In Germany and other parts of Europe, the sale of the plant was banned in the 70s and 90s. However, consuming less than two milligrams of tonka beans per kilogram of food is harmless. Due to its intense taste, the spice is used sparingly anyway, so you don't have to worry about any danger to your health. The tasty bean can be purchased in most pharmacies in Germany and Austria.
The tonka bean is very hard and is best rubbed on a nutmeg grater. The bean can also be added to a variety of dishes and, for warm dishes, added for about a minute shortly before the end of the cooking time. The bean can also be left overnight in fruit puree or cream. Below we have selected recipes with tonka beans for main courses, desserts and liqueurs for you.
Tonka bean recipes for desserts
Aromatic tonka bean ice cream
Tonka beans can be used in both hearty dishes and sweet dishes. The intense taste of its own also gives differentLiqueurs and cocktailsa special and interesting touch. The spice spices up the taste of various desserts such as pralines, parfaits, puddings and ice creams. Here is a delicious recipe with tonka beans for ice cream. For the cooling dessert you need:
- 300 ml Sahne
- 200 ml whole milk
- 90g sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- Tonka bean
First grate the tonka bean on a nutmeg grater and put the grated into a saucepan along with the milk and cream. Bring the liquid to the boil while stirring and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Then whisk the egg yolks into a heatproof bowl. Pour the cream into the egg yolk mixture, stirring constantly. You can then whip the liquid until creamy over a hot water bath. As soon as you remove the cream from the water bath, stir it for another 5 minutes. Leave the cooled cream in the refrigerator overnight. Then pour the ice cream mixture through a fine sieve and let it solidify in the ice cream maker for about 50 minutes. Garnish your homemade tonka bean ice cream as desired.
CremePrepare brulee
You can also make the French one with tonka beansDessertklassiker Creme BruleePrepare and pamper your palate with the intoxicating aromas of almonds and vanilla. The ingredients for this tonka bean dessert are the same as in the ice cream recipe above. However, 100 ml each of cream and milk are used here. Pour the cooled cream and milk mixture into fireproof ramekins and place in a deep tray with water. They should be half submerged in water.
Let the mixture set in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let the molds cool down. Immediately before serving, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar and caramelize it with the flambé burner. Tonka bean recipes like this definitely make you want another portion.
Hearty ideas
Fish with creamy tonka bean sauce
Fish dishes also provide the ideal stage for the noble, aromatic spice. We have a recipe for you with tonka beans for a juicy skrei with delicious tonka bean sauce. For two servings you will need the following ingredients:
- 400 g Scree fillet with skin
- 30 g Butter
- Salt and pepper
For the tonka bean sauce:
- 200 ml fish stock
- 150 ml Sahne
- 60 ml white wine
- 30 ml Noilly Prat Wermut
- 1 shallot
- Tonka bean
- Salt and pepper
For thedelicious sauceSauté the finely chopped shallots in butter. Deglaze with white wine and vermouth. Add the fish stock and let the liquid reduce to around 125 ml. Then add the cream, mix everything well and let it simmer for another 10 minutes. Strain the sauce, grate in the tonka beans and let it simmer briefly. If the sauce thickens too much, you can thicken it with a little cream. Then fry the fish pieces on the skin for about four minutes, not too hot, and season the underside. Turn the scree fillets over and fry for another minute.
Spaghettiwith tomato sauce with tonka beans
You can also add a pinch of tonka beans to your homemade tomato sauce and enhance the taste of your favorite pasta dish.
- 80 g Spaghetti or Tagliatelle
- 200-300 g Cherry tomatoes
- 1-2 cloves of garlic
- Tonkabohneabrieb
- 1 EL Kill
- Salt and pepper
Cook the pasta in salted water. Heat the oil and fry the thin slices of garlic in it. Add the quartered tomatoes and the tonka bean zest. Cook over medium heat until the cherry tomatoes fall apart, about 10 minutes. Mix the pasta with the tomato sauce and your pasta dish is ready to serve. If you want, you can also season the pasta with a little fresh basil in addition to salt and pepper.
Strawberry liqueur
If you would like to modify a tried and tested liqueur recipe and impress your guests with an alcoholic drink with a twist, perhaps the following recipe for a fruity strawberry liqueur would be something to your taste. You need the following ingredients:
- 250g strawberries
- 500ml Vodka
- 90 g brown rock sugar
- 1/3 vanilla bean
- 1/3 tonka bean
Wash the strawberries, dry them and put them in a sealable container. Add the remaining ingredients and seal the container airtight. Let the liqueur steep in a dark and cool place for at least a week. Stir it daily to allow the rock candy to dissolve completely. Pour the finished liqueur through a sieve and pour it into bottles. Close the bottles and let the liqueur mature for at least another three weeks.