Vegan Vegetable Dressing Recipe – A simple salad

Maybe you're in the mood for a salad made from lettuce, but you don't know exactly how to prepare it to make it more unusual? Then we have a great idea for you! In this article we would like to offer you the vegan recipe for vegetable dressing, which you can quickly make and is really very tasty. You don't need any special ingredients for this. You often have most of them at home. This salad is a great idea for a healthy snack in between or when you don't have much time. It is prepared in just a few minutes. Try the delicious, vegan recipe right away and make healthy eating a delicious experience.

– Leaf lettuce (green or red, depending on your preference)
– Okra (vegetable marshmallow)
– 1Zucchini
– 1/2 Tomato
– Dill
- Garlic
– Apple cider vinegar
– 1 tbsp raw sunflower seeds

The first step is to put the zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, dill and apple cider vinegar in a blender and chop everything until you get a smooth mixture.

Then prepare the salad by chopping the lettuce and okra into small pieces and mixing them together well. Then add the dressing and stir everything together. Finally, sprinkle it with the sunflower seeds and garnish with dill.

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