Vegan recipes – prepare delicious and healthy food

The number of vegans has been growing very quickly recently. Certainly for health or moral reasons. If you invite visitors to your home, you must be prepared that there may be a vegan among the guests. So it is recommended to know some vegan recipes and be able to prepare them naturally.

Veganism is a type of vegetarianism, but it has stricter rules. A well-chosen vegan menu provides the body with the necessary nutrients, thereby avoiding many risks of illness, including problems with high cholesterol levels.

Eat deliciously and stay healthy

Furthermore, veganism is a controlled diet - vegan recipes through which you can maintain your desired body weight permanently. And last but not least, many people become vegan for ethical reasons, they stand for animal protection and are against the exploitation of animals and their transformation into a source of food.

Since vegans are stricter vegetarians, the list of prohibited products for their daily menu is longer. When it comes to cooking, vegans exclude all animal products from their dishes and also everything that contains animal ingredients (like gelatin) contains.

All foods of animal origin are prohibited: eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, meat, fish, honey. If a dish contains any of these products, it may be approved by the representatives of thevegan cuisinenot be consumed.

Most people believe that avoiding all animal products significantly narrows the spectrum of eating options for vegans. The truth is, vegan cuisine is as rich as that of omnivores and vegetarians.

Vegan recipes with grains, soybeans and soy products, seeds, cereals (soy, alfalfa, sunflower, wheat, lentils), nuts, various legumes, mushrooms, olives, spices andVariety of fruits(including dried ones) have become very popular and popular in recent years, as have various types of vegetables. The permitted fats are sunflower oil, corn oil, sesame oil or palm oil, linseed oil and olive oil.

Soy milk replaces milk, tofu replaces cheese

Vegans have also come up with suitable substitutes for many products from vegetarian or omnivore cuisine. For example, soy milk can be used instead of traditional milk. Cheese of animal origin can be replaced with tofu (soy cheese).

A product made from wheat dough, which is added at the end of cooking, is used instead of meat flour. Jams are popular substitutes in desserts. Maple syrup is used as a common sweetener. When it comes to sweet temptations, agar-agar is preferred instead of gelatin.

Vegan vegetable soup

So, all kinds of vegetable soups, broths, salads, vegetable appetizers and starters prepared with the products mentioned above are suitable for a vegan menu.

  • Examples of vegan menus:

  • Green salad with avocado:

Ingredients: 3 pieces of avocado, a lettuce, rocket, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 2-3 tbsp soy cream, spices.

Preparation: Peel the avocado, remove the stone and cut the fruit into small pieces. Shred the lettuce into pieces, the vitamins must be retained. Mix avocado and lettuce together. Prepare a salad dressing from soy cream and the juice of a lemon. Mix everything together and, depending on your taste, you can season with linseed oil, salt and pepper.

Optionally, you can add chopped nuts to the salad. Many vegan salads also include chickpeas, beans and quinoa. A tabbouleh salad is one of vegans' favorite appetizers.

Fried eggplants

Ingredients: 5 pieces of eggplant, 4 fried peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of nuts, spices (parsley, salt, pepper)

preparation: Slice the eggplants, salt them and leave them aside for a while to remove their bitterness. In the meantime, prepare a sauce made from pureed peppers, garlic, spices and finally add nuts. You fry the eggplants on the grill and pour the prepared sauce on them when serving.

Zucchini with rice

Ingredients: 2 pieces of zucchini, 250 g of rice, fresh garlic, chives, 2 peppers, 750 ml of vegetable broth, vegetable oil, spices to taste

Preparation: Finely chop chives and garlic, other vegetables - into cubes. Let everything simmer in a pan with hot oil for a short time, then add the zucchini and bell peppers, chopped short. After 3-4 minutes, add the rice, stir and pour the vegetable broth into the pot. Then let the food cook on a low heat. Finally, you can season with herbs depending on your taste.

Other simple dishes such as red lentil soup, baked potatoes, vegetable casserole, vegetable dumplings, grilled vegetable skewers, meatless stuffed peppers, various types of pasta with a suitable sauce are suitable for the vegan menu.

Apple dessert

Ingredients: 2 apples, 250 g oat flakes, 75 g apple juice, 50 g chopped walnuts, cleaned and chopped dates, 1 tsp cinnamon.

Preparation: Mix all products minus the apples in a deep bowl. The apples are grated and then added. Cover the baking tray with paper and lightly oil it. Then pour the mixture into the baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until the dessert is ready.

Bon appetit!

Vegan nutrition recipes – healthy, delicious and enzyme-rich vegan salad DEAVITA