What is the appeal of the surfer boy?

Foto: Shutterstock / Karelnoppe
  • shoulder length to chin length hair
  • long bangs that are combed to the side
  • Layers, hair is shorter at the front and sides and longer at the back
  • has structure, but looks casual and natural
  • Different fuzzy head variants can be created for small children
  • perfect forBoys with naturally curly hair

Olga Schneider is an enthusiastic hobby gardener with an interest in nature-friendly vegetable and fruit cultivation in the kitchen garden, as well as in caring for flowers and ornamental plants. On Deavita she is also active in the household order and cleaning tips categories, where she gives advice on environmentally friendly and natural home remedies. In her free time, she enjoys browsing through sites about fashion, nail design and hair trends. She enjoys baking and trying new recipes with her family.