Coloring for adults is a new stress relief trend that comes from the USA but has already spread worldwide. Pictures and mandalas of varying levels of difficulty are colored in with colored pencils or felt-tip pens in any color.
This leisure activity should be onerelaxing effectand help against everyday stress. In this article we have put together lots of free coloring pages for adults that you can print out and color yourself.
Reduce stress with mandalas
One of the most popular styles currently is the mandala. These are circular images that consist of recurring geometric figures or arbitrary patterns. Coloring different motifs and small details promotes concentration and reduces stress. If you need some rest and relaxation after a long day at work, then you can print out the mandala coloring pages for adults and try out the latest anti-stress trend yourself.
Complicated images with multiple elements in different sizes have many positive effects on our body and mind. Since the motifs of the mandalas are repeated, you paint the same elements in the same color and practice a kind of meditation. This calms the soul and allows you to relax effectively. Simple mandalas are also recommended as a concentration exercise for children of kindergarten and school age.
For theColoring mandalasand similar coloring templates, it is best to use felt-tip pens or colored pencils. The small motifs cannot be painted precisely with acrylic, oil or watercolors and are therefore not recommended. However, there are no limits when it comes to choosing colors. Whether two, three or more colors – the decision is yours and depends on your current inspiration.
Because of their relaxing effect, these coloring pages are used in Buddhism for meditation. With mandalas in particular, thoughts and attention are centered on the circular motif, making coloring a meditative activity similar to yoga and meditation.
If you want to relax by coloring, you can also use other coloring pages for adults in addition to the mandalas. Animals, flowers, quotes and even entire abstract pictures to color that contain small details have the same effect and are just as fun. You can find beautiful coloring pages to print out in our picture gallery.
Find the right pictures for every season, for every festival or for every season. This way you can get in the right mood with this relaxing leisure activity. In spring and summer, for example, motifs such as flowers are wonderful and you can color them however you like. In winter, snowflakes and ice crystals can be included in the coloring picture.
A tropical variant encourages you to dream. And what better way to relax than daydreaming? One such example is the template above. It consists largely of leaves, for which you can use different shades of green, for example. Use exotic colors for the flowers. These don't even have to correspond to reality. Coral, turquoise, salmon or berry are such shades.
You may also want a more playful image. Then this owl is certainly very suitable. Use natural tones for the patterns, like those found on a real owl. You are also welcome to let your imagination run wild and create colorful plumage.
Imagination is also required for this idea. Bird motifs are combined with the ever-popular mandala. Here too, many different colors can be used or you can use different shades of a particular color. You can also print out a template several times and try out different variations.
Coloring pages with elements of nature
As far as motifs are concerned, in addition to mandalas, beautiful landscapes or gardens would also be a nice idea. Houses, cityscapes or perhaps abstract patterns are wonderful for coloring. Combinations of different motifs, like in the picture above, are an excellent way to create true works of art and forget about everyday worries for the moment.
Coloring will not only make you forget about your tasks but will also give you sensual pleasure. The color contrasts and color combinations transport you to a state similar to that of meditation in a pleasant and natural way. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to dedicate yourself to painting to effectively relieve stress. When you color, logical processes take place in your brain, for example as you complete the shapes. On the other hand, your creativity is required when selecting and combining colors. Unleashing your creativity can lead to new, fresh ideas for other areas of your life. Ideas for a new project in your professional life or great plans for your private life would be a positive effect of your creative pursuits.
As you engage with coloring pages, your attention will be drawn to the motifs and after a short time you will notice that you are concentrating on not painting outside the edges. Over time you will also choose the respective colors more and more consciously, which will again attract attention. This anti-stress trend certainly has several advantages that you can benefit from. If you feel stressed, unfocused and exhausted, this creative activity would be a good way for you to clear your head. The pictures are now so popular that there are not only special coloring books, but also coloring apps for smartphones. This alternative is ideal if you want to pass the waiting time or are looking for something relaxing to do on the subway.
Thematic coloring pages
Choose the motifs that appeal to you from the large selection. If you don't like a motif at the moment, you can of course move on to the next one. Don't forget that adult coloring pages are not a chore, but a great activity that can help you. It will relieve you from stress only if you enjoy adding color to the respective patterns. To switch off and enjoy your new activity, you can sit on the sofa and let your favorite music play in the background. If you live in a house, the garden is also a nice place where you can perhaps devote yourself to coloring pictures while listening to the birds chirping. Take out colored pencils and simply start with a color of your choice. Where exactly you start is entirely up to you. There are no rules you have to follow. The main thing is that you feel comfortable doing it.
For example, choose flowers, blossoms and leaves. They simply invite you to color them in lots of bright colors. It immediately evokes associations with spring or summer and makes you think of the buzzing of bees and nature. Maybe you want to color an exotic bird and think of your last vacation and the warm rays of sunshine. Positive emotions are guaranteed to arise when you fly with the birds wherever you want. Coloring pages for adults give you the opportunity to focus on the here and now, regardless of what you have to do at the office. Color the pictures intuitively and forget about your demands for perfection for a moment. Let the colors come to the fore and admire your colorful work of art at the end.