Baby headbands are an adorable idea for little babies who don't have a lot of hair but can still wear decorative headdresses. Toddlers can also wear headbands to style their hair and keep hair out of their eyes. It can be made very quickly at home. All you need is a piece of elastic or elastic fabric in a popular color that matches an outfit or a specific dress. Once the base part is finished, you can decorate it with bows, artificial flowers, faux leather and feathers. Check out these great ideas and try making a baby headband yourself.
This hair band forbabieswas originally made for Valentine's Day, but it's also suitable for any day. You need felt in a color of your choice, for example red, faux leather in gold, thin elastic band, scissors, pen, sewing machine.
Cut out three hearts from the red felt and one from the faux leather. Measure your baby's head and decide how much elastic you need for the headband. The elastic band should fit tightly around the head and have an additional 2 centimeters at each length.
A few notes on the hair band size:
Newborn – 31 centimeters
3 – 6 months – 33 centimeters
6 – 12 months – 36 centimeters
12 – 18 months – 38 centimeters
18 – 24 months – 41 centimeters
3 years and older – 43 centimeters
Put the elastic band into a ring. Overlap the ends of the elastic band by 2 centimeters. Pin the hearts to the elastic by overlapping them slightly. Sew in a straight line. Remove the pins.
* Project from
You will need 23 centimeters of satin fabric, hot glue gun, lighter, beads, needle and thread, elastic band, pen and felt.
First you need to cut circles of 6 different sizes. Use things from the kitchen like cups, glasses, etc. Trace with the pen and cut out.
Once the 6 circles are complete, light your lighter and place the fabric over the flame. The satin fabric will not catch fire. Please be careful and be careful not to burn yourself! Repeat with all 6 circles.
Place the circles on top of each other. Start with the largest piece to the smallest. Thread the needle and pass it through all the circles from bottom to top. Repeat and tie a knot. Glue the beads in the center of the flower to hide the seams.
Glue the flower to the elastic where both ends overlap. Cut a piece of felt about smaller than the flower and tape it over the elastic.
You will need a piece of felt, rubber band, hot glue gun and a pen.
Draw 7 equally sized circles on the felt fabric and cut them out. Fold one of the circles in half, add a dab of hot glue and fold again. Do 5 of them. Cover the sixth circle with hot glue and place the folded “flowers” on top – four on the edges of the circle and the fifth piece in the middle. Glue a rubber band between the flower and the seventh circle.
* Projects from
*Instructions from
For each of these instructions, you will first need to fold a piece of fabric in half, sew it, and turn it inside out. This would be the base of the hair ties. Compared to the examples shown above, this one uses a piece of Velcro to close the hair accessory.
When finished, tie a knot in the middle. Use decorative stitches and colorful thread to make three stripes on each side of the knot. To close the headband, cut a matching piece of Velcro and sew it on each end.
* 3 examples from
*full instructions can be found here