Crafting with hazelnuts for young and old: it's so easy to make animal figures and decorative ornaments in autumn!

Fall is the perfect time for adorable crafts using natural fall materials, and your kids are sure to love making cute projects like the ones below. You can craft with hazelnuts and it's easy with these beautiful DIY ideas!

Make squirrels with hazelnuts

Materials required:

Pipe cleaner, brown
Glue gun
black marker

Instructions for making squirrels:

  • From the pipe cleaner, make the back of the squirrel's body, forming the tail and hind paws. Then glue the front paws out of pipe cleaners.
  • Using a glue gun, glue two hazelnuts for the squirrel's body and head.
  • Add pipe cleaner ears and glue them in place using the glue gun in the same way.
  • Using a black marker, draw the eyes and mouth. We're done with these cute hazelnut squirrels!

DIY decorative hazelnut ball ornaments

What you need to make your own decorative hazelnut ornament:

Glue gun with glue sticks
Hazelnuts with shell

You can use any other type of nuts with shells or even acornsfor this projectuse. You can also use walnuts, but make sure to stick them on a larger Styrofoam ball.


  • First put a pea-sized blob of hot glue on the Styrofoam ball and carefully press in one hazelnut at a time. Hold the hazelnut for a few seconds before moving on to the next one. Continue working your way around the Styrofoam ball until it is completely covered with nuts.
  • It's best to make an odd number of balls, e.g. B. 3, 5, 7 etc. and group them together for an impressive decoration. You can also make different sizes to create a really interesting effect.

Make a mini wreath as a fall decoration

Materials required:

A piece of colorful yarn

How to make a mini wreath:

You can use a cleaned cucumber lid and put a hazelnut inside. Then use the glue gun to apply glue to the side of the hazelnut and glue another hazelnut next to it. Repeat the steps until you have a complete circle.

Then turn the craft out of the lid, glue the last nuts together, add some yarn and baker's twine and that's it. You can use the mini wreath asAutumn decorations at homeuse!

Hazelnut mice in a few simple steps

Materials required:

ultra-fine felt-tip pen
Felt (you can also use an upcycled wool sweater)
Fabric scraps (small patterns work best)
Glue gun/glue


  • Crack the walnut with a nutcracker. Make sure the walnut is positioned so that the seam is perpendicular to the nutcracker's pressure points. Apply pressure only until the seam breaks slightly. Insert the butter knife into the crack and rotate until you can separate the walnut halves. Use the butter knife to remove the nut and all the hard skin and cut off any sharp parts.
  • Take a hazelnut that fits easily into the top half of the walnut. Draw a face on the hazelnut, using the pointed side of the hazelnut as a nose.
  • Cut out ears from felt. Glue the ears onto the head, onto the back of the hazelnut.
  • Glue the tail into the pointed side of the walnut.
  • Place batting in the middle of the fabric scrap and bring the opposite corners together. Pinch the ends together and hold them with your left hand. Using your right hand, squirt hot glue into the bottom of the walnut. Insert the fabric and interfacing with the pointed ends dipped directly into the glue. Make sure there is still room for the head.
  • Add a little more glue to the top of the walnut and press the hazelnut into the walnut until it fits well. Suchcute craftsyou can make crafts with hazelnuts in autumn!