Sewing cosmetic bag – sewing instructions with zipper

Would you like to make something practical yourself? Then you can try this idea. You can store all of your smaller makeup products and supplies in the bag, which is especially useful when you travel. You can also sew a cosmetic bag if you are looking for an original gift idea for a friend, sister or other relative. Just the fact that you made them yourself is guaranteed to be well received. Now let's get to the simple instructions.

It is best to use oilcloth as a material. This fabric is waterproof and can be easily washed. The lower part of the oilcloth is again equipped with a fluffy layer that you can use for the inside of the bag. You will also need a sewing machine that is equipped with a zipper foot.


The oilcloth must have a size of 22 x 28 cm. If you need to trim it first, use a ruler to get the edges as straight as possible. Small flaws are not a problem as the edges are sewn inside. You should also get a zipper that matches the colors of the oilcloth. You need a length of approx. 18 cm. Then lay out some yarn and a ribbon in a matching color and you can get started.

Cut the piece of oilcloth into two equal halves. Then use leftover textile to prepare two smaller pieces with which to equip the zipper. These smaller squares should be approximately 4 x 4 cm in size. In principle, you have all the necessary items for the bag together.

The small squares go on the two ends of the zipper. For this purpose the squares are folded. Place half of it on the zipper and fold the excess down. Temporarily secure with a pin and repeat with the other end. Sew everything securely.

Now take one of the large rectangles of oilcloth and fold one of the long sides inwards by approx. 60 mm. Put the zipper on and pin everything in place so that nothing can slip. When sewing the cosmetic bag, you should use the pins as often as possible.

Now use the zipper foot to sew the zipper to the oilcloth. The two ends of the closure are sewn together in the same way. Remove the pins and now use them to repeat this cosmetic bag sewing step with the other rectangle and on the other side of the zipper.

At the end the whole thing should look like this. If you are not sure yet, you can just lay out all the pieces to get an overall picture before sewing this part. The folded edges are particularly important to achieve a neat look.

The ends of the zipper should look something like this after they are sewn to the rest of the fabric. The seam is also only approx. 3 mm away from the zipper. Small deviations are by no means fatal and are normal for beginners. Below you will find out how the bag is formed into a container:

Several steps are necessary to shape and sew the bag. Firstly, you should open the zipper halfway. Otherwise, the closure will end up inside the bag after you sew the cosmetic bag and opening and closing the zipper will become a complicated process.

It is also important that you turn the bag inside out. To sew a cosmetic bag, the good, patterned side must first be on the inside, as is done with clothing and other things. To do this, cut the piece in half. The zipper serves as a guide and is located in the fold.

So that nothing can slip, use pins to secure everything well. Pin these along the edges that are still open. These will not be folded over this time. This can be avoided by sewing the inside. In principle, the folding takes place later, when you turn the cosmetic bag the right way up again.

Make sure you have everything lined up properly. The zipper should look like shown in the photo when folded in half. The width of the fold corresponds to the width of the zipper. The white part that can be seen at the end of the fastener is the small square that you sewed on at the beginning. He fills the gap.

Once you are happy with the position of the two pieces of fabric, it is time to sew them together. Leave a sufficient gap between the edge and the seam. Five millimeters should be enough. To be on the safe side, feel free to add a second seam.

You can also just reinforce the corner seam, as was done in this example. This is the last step where you have to sew. You can also cut the tips of the corners at an angle. Otherwise they would only be a nuisance in your pocket later and are therefore unnecessary.

Now that you have finished sewing the cosmetic bag, you can turn it inside out again so that the actual outside is visible. It's best to poke the corners out with a narrow but blunt object (e.g. a pen) to shape them too.

This is what the corners should look like after you're done turning the bag inside out. Pay attention again to the former small squares of oilcloth. They round off the chic look perfectly and create a perfect corner.

Next, the tape you should get comes into play. Its purpose is to make it quicker and easier to grab and open the zipper. Cut the band into any length you feel is more comfortable. To prevent the edges from unraveling over time, you can weld them shut using a lighter.

Form a loop with the ribbon and insert it through the hole. After that, slide the two ends of the band and pull tight. Now you can always grab them quickly and prevent constant, annoying fumbling. You can also use something else instead of a ribbon. This idea serves as an example only and can be modified individually.

And with that you are already finished with the DIY project for sewing a cosmetic bag. Don't you feel very proud of the result? You can make the cosmetic bag as large as you like. The instructions are also perfect for making a small wallet, up to a larger handbag or even a beach bag, to which you just need to add handles. Try it out and make yourself and your friends happy.
