Children love playing with slippery, viscous slime, digging their little fingers into goo and even scaring mom with play slime. How about making your own slime at home? Your children are also welcome to take part and have a lot of fun. In this article we offer you various recipes for making play slime, among which you will definitely find the most suitable one for you and your children.
Colorful play slime – stir, knead, play and just have fun
ThePlaying with slimeis a lot of fun for the children and this unique toy is ideal for various kindergarten and school projects. It's also very well received at children's birthday parties. Even if you don't know how to entertain your loved ones on a rainy day, making your own play slime is an excellent craft idea.
Recipe for play slime with cornstarch
The first method for making play slime without glue is presented in this recipe, which uses cornstarch. The simple recipe includes the following ingredients:
- 350 ml water
- 2 cups cornstarch
- 3-4 drops of food coloring (alternatively: powdered tempera paint)
First put the water in a small saucepan and heat it up. The water shouldn't get too hot because after all you have to mix the play slime with your hand. Pour 250 ml of the warmed water into a bowl and add the desired food coloring. Mix everything well with a spoon. If the color of the liquid seems too dark for you, you don't need to worry, the play slime will be a little lighter in the end. Pour the cornstarch into another large bowl and add the already colored water to the cornstarch. Mix everything carefully with your fingers so that the cornstarch dissolves and creates a thick and smooth paste. If the mixture is too thin, you can stir in more cornstarch.
If the mixture is still too thick, you can use the remaining warm water to thin it out. The goo play slime is ready as soon as the mass has the right slimy consistency and you can easily stick your fingers into the play slime. Keep your hands dry when touching the slime. To store it, you can transfer the play slime to a freezer bag and seal it well. If you want to make the homemade play slime even more attractive for children, you can add various small objects, such as plastic figures or small animals, to the play slime. Tiny plastic spiders, for example, can be used to transform the goo play slime into a great accessory for Halloween.
Make your own slime using glue and detergent
If you want to make a monster slime with your children, you can also use detergent and glue as ingredients:
- Children's craft glue without solvents, water-based
- Good & cheap Activ heavy duty detergent
- food coloring
Put the desired amount of craft glue in a bowl and add a few drops of liquid detergent. Mix everything with a spoon until it forms a solid mass and no longer forms any strings. If the goo play slime is too sticky, you can add a few drops of detergent and continue kneading. At the beginning the mixture is still quite sticky, but it becomes particularly nice when you knead the slimy well and roll it into a ball. A plastic container is ideal for storage.
You can also make slime without borax using glue, water and washing powder. First, mix some water with a tablespoon of washing powder until the powder dissolves. Add the craft mix to the glue and stir well until a soft mixture forms. Continue kneading the mixture with your hands until you get the goo you want.
Glitter slime with glue and liquid starch
If you want shimmering play slime that looks like gold or a starry sky, you can use liquid starch instead of heavy-duty detergent:
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup craft glue
- 1/4 cup liquid starch
- food coloring
- Glitter powder
In a bowl, mix the glue with the water and the food coloring and mix everything carefully. Add the glitters in the color you want. Knead the mixture well and maybe add a few drops of liquid starch if the dough is too sticky. You can also make fun play slime with powdered laundry starch. To get a dough with the perfect consistency, you need to mix one part laundry starch with two parts white glue.
Baking soda and contact lens fluid
If you would like to surprise your children with a nice, slippery play slime, you can easily make the next recipe at home using the following ingredients:
- 100 g glue, water-soluble
- 1 Pck. Backnatron
- 1-2 tsp contact lens fluid
- Food coloring or acrylic paint
- Glitterpuder
- maybe some water
Pour the clear glue into a bowl and add the glitter. Stir in the baking soda and then add the contact lens fluid. Mix everything with a spoon until a viscous mixture forms. Continue kneading the mixture with your hands until the play slime is no longer too sticky. Pour the glitter slime into a tupperware bowl and let it rest for a few hours so that it gets its final consistency. Let your children join in, they will be fascinated by how great play slime is created from liquid ingredients. With the right color you can also create a poisonous-green, glowing Olchi slime.
Make monster slime with baby powder
For this recipe you need to mix half a cup of PVC glue with the food coloring, stir well and add half a cup of baby powder or talc. If the play slime does not yet have the desired consistency, you can add more powder.
Recipe with shaving cream
You can also quickly make the great goo slime with shaving foam. The ingredients for the play slime are:
- 100 g craft glue, water-soluble
- 1-2 tsp contact lens fluid
- Shaving cream
- food coloring
Mix the glue with a generous amount of shaving foam in a container. Then add the color and contact lens fluid. Mix everything well, knead and stretch. If the homemade play slime doesn't stretch enough, you can add more shaving foam. If it is too thin, a little more glue will help you achieve the desired consistency.
Make your own slime from fiber powder
Play slime can also be made from a cup of water and a teaspoon of fiber powder. Mix the ingredients together and add some food coloring if desired. Mix everything thoroughly and heat the mixture in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Then let the mixture cool for 2-4 minutes and repeat the same process, alternating cooking and cooling, a few times. Check again and again that the mixture does not overflow the container. The more often you repeat the process, the harder the play slime will become. Finally, the slime should be left to stand for about a quarter of an hour and cool down.
Make monster slime with psyllium seeds
Did you think that you can also make the goo play slime with a healthy dietary supplement? The psyllium husks have great swelling properties, which creates a thick play slime. For the toy with a high fun factor, you actually only need 2 ingredients: 2 tablespoons of psyllium husk and around 220 ml of water. Heat the ingredients on the stove, stirring constantly. Once you have oneGet slime mass. The slime no longer sticks to your hands and can be pulled perfectly and drained from one hand to the other.
Create magical play slime
Would you like to surprise your children with a unique play slime that not only stretches well, but is also magnetic and fascinates young and old alike? Thanks to the metal particles it contains, you can move it with a magnet. For example, form thin ribbons from the mass and use the magnet to set them in motion like little snakes. For the magic slime you need the following ingredients:
- 400 g wheat flour
- 1/2 liter warm water
- 3 tbsp cooking oil
- 200 g salt without iodine
- 2 tbsp alum powder (available at the pharmacy)
- 2 tablespoons iron powder (available at hardware stores or craft stores)
- food coloring
First mix the flour with the salt, add the alum powder and mix everything well with the hand mixer. Add the water little by little and continue stirring the mixture. Add the color and oil and mix until you get a smooth mixture. The iron powder is then added and the play slime is kneaded again. Always seal the slime airtight in a plastic container after use.
Edible play slime
If you're worried that little children might get the idea to put the play slime in their mouths, you can make your own edible slime. For this you need:
- 1 can condensed milk, sweetened
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- a few drops of food coloring
Pour the condensed milk into a saucepan and add the cornstarch. Allow the mixture to simmer gently over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove the saucepan from the heat as soon as the liquid has thickened slightly. Now you can stir in the desired color. Let the homemade play slime cool down. Once this has happened, he is ready to play or eat.
If you let your children play with the slime you have made, remember that the slimy mass may leave stains on your child's carpet or clothing. It's also best to cover the work surface well when making it, otherwise everything can get splattered. Do not leave children unattended while playing; play slime can pose a choking hazard, especially for small children. Also, don't forget to let the slime cool for a while for all recipes where the ingredients are heated.