Make your own table decorations with pumpkins for an autumn wedding

Since pumpkins are available in large quantities in autumn, in different sizes, shapes and colors, you can easily use them to make a variety of decorations. You can use it to decorate not only your home, but also your wedding if it takes place in the fall. Today we'll show you a great example of a DIY decoration that you can easily recreate.

Necessary materials

All you need aresmall pumpkins, any flowers (garden roses were used for the example) and wooden sticks. Take a skewer and use it to make a hole in the top of the pumpkin. Of course, you can use another tool if you want. Simply place a rose in the finished hole and you're done! What is interesting is that thebeautiful roseswill last a long time despite the lack of water in the “vase”. That's because you use pumpkin juice instead.

Table decoration with pumpkins and peonies

small decorative pumpkins as vases for the peonies

beautiful pink peonies
