The Buddhist religion, which is one of the five world religions, successfully combines faith and philosophy. No wonder, since the religion's founder, Buddha, left his father's palace as a young man to become a monk. Buddha not only looked for signs from God, but above all for truth. During his life he tried to find out what the causes of human suffering are and formulated the four noble truths. Buddha and his followers see thisLove and friendshipas the basis for human happiness. Birth and death are not beginning and end, but only stages of a cycle. It was precisely this attitude to life that every day counts that gave people hope and courage back then. Even today, Buddhist wisdom is relevant. We offer you 40 inspiring images with quotes on various topics.
Send Buddhist wisdom for your birthday
The Buddhists believethat both good and bad actions can have consequences for our soul. They also hold the opinion that only people can influence their life path and find the right path. For her, happiness is not a feeling that we have to strive for, but rather a feeling that accompanies us throughout our lives. If you want to be happy, you should first work on yourself, your love relationships and friendships. Only when he learns to have compassion for others will he find the right path to achieving higher levels of consciousness.
So if youHappy birthday wishes to a friendIf you want to send someone, there are numerous Buddhist wisdoms to offer. Because they make you think and inspire you to start anew every day. They give courage in difficult times and radiate joy of life. According to Buddhists, work, love, friendship, but also curiosity and art are fundamental to a happy life. But we shouldn't learn to cope with it, but rather find out what we like to deal with.
Buddhist wisdom: friendship
Friendship plays a crucial role in the life of Buddhists. The monks call themselves brothers, eat together, celebrate together and search for their truths together. Likewise, people should maintain lifelong friendships in their everyday lives and try to support their best friends with advice and support.
Life is a precious gift that we should learn to appreciate. This beautiful message is suitable as a congratulation on the birth of a child. Because only those who learn from an early age to let go of negativity can focus on the positive in their life and find happiness.
Buddhist wisdom: love
For Buddhists, love is the healing force that we all need in our everyday lives. Love not only for the family, but also for fellow human beings plays a crucial role for Buddha. For him, love and compassion go hand in hand. Helpfulness is particularly important for the monks.
Buddhist wisdom: death, grief and farewell
For Buddhists, birth is not the beginning and death is not the end of human life. Because they believe in reincarnation, death means a new beginning and a new opportunity for a better and more meaningful life. Every farewell is only temporary and everything we leave behind we will find again in a different form. In the meantime, it is important to always think back to the good times and positive experiences and not to be sad. We will all die, but our soul is never lost. Similar to how water solidifies into ice and then melts again and becomes water.
Buddhist wisdom: Grief has no place in the lives of Buddhists
The circle of life is promoted by rebirth
Buddhist wisdom: fighting grief
Buddhist wisdom about the birth of a child
Buddhist wisdom: love and hate
Buddhist wisdom: new beginnings
Buddhist wisdom: hope
Buddhist teachings promote positive thinking
Wisdom about new beginnings: Our thinking determines our life
The past and the future don't matter, only today matters
Buddhist wisdom: Our way of thinking determines our attitude to life
Patience is the best prayer
Let go of negativity, only then can we be happy
We don't need to be afraid of the future: it will come as it comes
Buddhist wisdom: We should act as we think is right
Find the right path in life
Time has a positive effect on the soul and negative effects on the body
Buddhist wisdom: Don't hold on to anger
Buddhist wisdom: pictures to send
Buddhist wisdom: death
Buddhist wisdom: giving hope and courage in difficult times
Recognizing True Joy: Buddhist Teachings
Buddhist wisdom: friendship
Buddhist wisdom: possessions, property and happiness
Wisdom of life in pictures: finding solutions to problems
Stay positive despite suffering
Learning to let go of negative experiences
Buddhist wisdom: traveling and discovering new worlds
Buddhist wisdom: The greatest fighter is the one who conquers himself
Finding time for yourself is important in today's hectic everyday life
Buddhist wisdom in pictures: Only today counts
Buddhist wisdom: love
Buddhist wisdom: Finding inner peace
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