“Life is beautiful”, “Life is too short”, “You have to enjoy life”, “You only live once”… At some point everyone has asked themselves the question: What is the meaning of life? No one can give an answer to that. But philosophers, thinkers, poets and famous personalities have been grappling with the topic of life for thousands of years. They developed numerous thought-provoking phrases about earthly existence that continue to inspire, motivate and excite us today. Our small collection contains some of the most beautiful and meaningful quotes about life that invite you to think about it.
Discover the meaning of life through famous quotes
From a philosophical point of view, the meaning of life is to love and be loved. A survey by the Allensbach Institute in 2002 showed that more than half of Germans are happy andenjoy lifewant. Just take some time and browse through our great compilation of meaningful words and try to find an answer for yourself.
Quotes about enjoying life – “Life is too short”
The finite nature of life is a fact that many people prefer to ignore. But the majority agree that life is too short and there is no need to waste valuable time. This is how short aphorisms were created that get to the heart of this message and give people the courage to go in the right direction and not to lose sight of their wishes, dreams and goals. You can take a look at a few here. These are also suitable as a life motto.
Life is too short
...to say “Maybe”!
...for sometime.
... to get upset about unnecessary things every day.
...to drink bad wine!
... to eat badly.
...to postpone your dreams!
...to miss the main point.
...to let people stress you out.
... to be annoyed by what others say or think about you.
...to be sad.
...to live in the past.
...to postpone happiness until later!
... just to work.
...to kill time.
...to wait.
“Life is what happens while you are making plans”
In our small collection you will find a diverse range of phrases on a wide variety of aspects of life, which also relate to other topics such as death, love, friendship and hope. Aristotle, Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, Erich Fromm, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Albert Camus, Buddha are just a few of the famous personalities who can captivate everyone with their words. See for yourself!