Bleached brows as a fashion trend in 2022: Are bleached eyebrows popular and how do we achieve the look?

Beautifully shaped eyebrows give our face expression and contour – we all know that by now. Whether thick, thin, straight or curved – we can use it to stretch the face, create contours or emphasize our facial features. While full, bushy and dark eyebrows have been THE beauty standard for a long time, the looks for the coming season seem to be taking a whole new direction. More and more celebrities and fashionistas have taken the step and bleached their eyebrows. Yes, you read it correctly! Bleached brows as a 2022 fashion trend have taken social media and the fashion world by storm and are creating a whole new aesthetic. Ready to try something new? Then read on and find out everything you should know about the beauty trend. And as a bonus, we'll tell you how you can get bleached brows with just makeup.

With onenew and bold hair colorExperimenting is one thing, but we're always a little more cautious when it comes to our brows. Just when we thought we'd finally get itperfect shape for our eyebrowshave found, bleached brows are emerging as a fashion trend in 2022. From Hailey Bieber to Kim Kardashian to “Game of Thrones” star Maisie Williams, bleached eyebrows are everywhere and continue to gain traction.

On TikTok, the hashtag #bleachedeyebrows has now received more than 15 million views. Searches for bleached brows as a 2022 fashion trend on Pinterest have also increased by a full 160 percent compared to the previous year. Bleached eyebrows take some getting used to, but are still a great way to emphasize our facial features even more. Also a strong make-up, such as dramatic smokey eyes or aNeon Eyeliner, are therefore even more expressive and cool.

In the last 2 years we have focused on ourEye makeupset - after all, you couldn't see anything else from the face masks. And now the easing of measures seems to have awakened the desire to do something drastic. Much like the impulse to dye our hair bright colors or cut it off completely during lockdown, bleached brows feel like a moment of freedom.

We admit it - bleached eyebrows are definitely not for everyone and the trend requires a lot of courage and self-confidence. The controversial beauty trend creates an ethereal, slightly otherworldly look, which is why it's historically been favored for high fashion moments (think Katy Perry at the Met Gala in 2016).

Bleached eyebrows on the stars

Thanks to numerous fashionistas and celebrities, bleached brows have also reached the mainstream as a fashion trend in 2022. Top models Hailey Bieber and sisters Gigi and Bella Hadid were some of the first to take the plunge, wearing bleached eyebrows for the Versace fashion show. After all, when Donatella Versace says bleached brows are “in,” that’s just how it is. It didn't take long before other fashion icons followed her example. For example, Katy Perry wore the look on American Idol and Kim Kardashian also appeared with bleached brows for a photo shoot.

Do you know the old saying “The eyebrows are the frame of our face”? Well, if you're like supermodel Gigi Hadid and blessed with the bone structure of a Greek sculpture, you can look incredible with or without brows. Gigi Hadid is clear proof of how cool and interesting bleached brows actually are as a fashion trend in 2022.

Bleached Brows Fashion Trend 2022: How to Achieve the Look

Do you think bleached brows are really cool as a 2022 fashion trend and would you like to try the look? First things first: Do not try this yourself at home and be sure to contact a professional. The skin around the eyes is much more sensitive and bleaching can cause serious burns and injuries in some cases. And after all, we don’t want that, do we? To rule out allergic reactions, you should first do a test. Very important – depending on the type and color of your hair, the result can vary greatly. Dark eyebrows in particular, which contain red pigments, may initially appear slightly orange. In this case, several treatments would be necessary to maintain the trendy look.

Fake bleached eyebrows with makeup

Does the thought of bleaching your eyebrows give you a mild panic attack? Or do you just want to change your look a little for an event? No problem! In this case too, you can try bleached brows as a fashion trend in 2022!

It's actually super easy to fake bleached eyebrows with makeup and still get the same dramatic effect. And this is how you can achieve the bold look:

  • Make up your face as usual by applying foundation and concealer.
  • Then paint over the eyebrows completely with a lighter concealer. If your brows are too dark or thick, you can help yourself with a foundation stick.
  • Remove excess texture with a cotton pad and gently blend the concealer with a beauty blender.
  • Finally, carefully shape the eyebrows into the desired shape with a fine brow brush.
  • And voilà – it’s so quick and easy to apply make-up to bleached eyebrows!

Bleach eyebrows using natural means

It's no longer a secret that we can lighten our mane with a few simple tricks and home remedies. So why shouldn't this work with our eyebrows? Lemon in particular as a home remedy can work wonders. Simply spread the lemon juice on your eyebrows with a cotton swab and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the process until you get the desired result. Bleached brows can also be achieved quickly with honey. To do this, briefly heat 2-3 tablespoons of honey in a water bath, mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and dab onto your brows with a cotton swab.