Beautifully shaped eyebrows give our face more contour and play a crucial role in our appearance. Full and bushy brows have been in the spotlight for years, but unfortunately Mother Nature has blessed only a few of us with them. Just like in fashion, new trends are constantly emerging in the beauty world that conquer our hearts. In the last few days, a new phenomenon has caught our attention - powder brows are the latest eyebrow trend that is becoming increasingly popular among fashionistas. What's behind it? What costs should you expect and what else should you pay attention to? We'll explain all of this to you in our article!
What are Powder Brows?
What are Powder Brows? More and more people are asking themselves these questions in the last few daysthe eyebrow trendis really everywhere. Whether microblading, nanoblading, etc. – there are now endless beauty treatments that are designed to help us achieve fuller and beautiful brows. To achieve this feathery look, Powder Brows uses color pigments to be introduced into the upper layer of skin using a nano-needle. The small shades are set in the form of small dots and this creates an effect similar to that of using powder. The treatment itself usually lasts between two and four hours. Is there a difference between powder brows and microblading? Yes, in technology. In contrast to powder brows, microblading uses the needle to record individual strokes. Thanks to the fine powder effect, powder brows look much more natural as an eyebrow trend and the brows immediately appear much fuller.
How much do powder brows cost?
No matter whether it is a cosmetic treatment or a new hairstyle - the costs can vary greatly and depend on the cosmetic studio. Unfortunately, we can't tell you exactly how much powder brows cost, but you should expect a price range of 300 to 600 euros. So take your time when looking for a suitable studio and find out more about the reviews and experiences of the beauticians. Since this is a permanent treatment, your choice should not be influenced by price.
What should you pay attention to after treatment?
In order to achieve the best and most natural result possible, there are some important things you should pay attention to with Powder Brows after the treatment. The most important thing is that you give your skin enough time to regenerate. For this reason, you should avoid strenuous workouts and sports in the first 10 days. Also avoid the sun and do not go swimming. Going to the sauna wouldn't be a good idea either. After 2-3 days, the skin and pigmented areas may start to itch and feel tight - that's always a good sign. Even though it can be quite difficult at times, you must not scratch or rub under any circumstances! If the itching becomes really unbearable, you can apply some petroleum jelly or another mild ointment.
How long do powder brows last?
Before we undergo a cosmetic treatment, we logically want to know whether it is even worth spending so much money on it. At Powder Brows we can safely say – yes! The durability depends on how quickly our skin regenerates, but powder brows usually last between 2 and 3 years. However, if you have very oily and greasy skin, the shelf life will unfortunately be reduced by a few months. To ensure your brows look their best, we would recommend refreshing the hairs with new color every 4-5 months.
Are there any known health risks?
And here's the good news - as long as you don't have allergies, there are no health risks with powder brows. If you do not tolerate the colors of the pigments used, severe redness and inflammation may occur. To be on the safe side, first do an allergy test and get detailed advice from the beautician about potential dangers.