Air dry or blow dry your hair? What is better? We definitely didn't expect this answer!

We all want shiny and gorgeous hair and do everything possible to make our dream come true. Now that summer is in full swing, we often let our hair air dry. On the one hand, this saves us a lot of time and should also be much healthier than the hairdryer and the straightener - or at least that's the popular opinion. Since the first hair dryer appeared on the market in 1900, we have all asked ourselves the question at least once: Should we air dry or blow dry our hair? What is better? Until now, we have always been told that heat damages the hair structure and that we should let our mane dry naturally every now and then. But according to a new study, that's completely wrong! And have we piqued your interest? Then read on and find out why air drying can be more harmful than blow drying.

How is our hair structured?

In order to understand whether air-drying or blow-drying hair is better, we would first like to explain to you how our hair is structured. Whether short, straight or curly - our hair always consists of 3 layers, namely the cuticle, cortex or fibrous layer and medullary canal (also known as the medulla). The cuticle is the outer layer and consists of 5 to 10 overlapping layers. The cuticle also indicates the health of the hair and should always lie flat. The cortex (also known as the fibrous layer) is the middle layer and makes up approximately 80% of the hair. The fiber layer consists mainly of keratin and determines the tensile strength and elasticity of the hair. The medullary canal is the innermost layer of the hair and is not actually found in every hair type.

Air dry or blow dry your hair? That's what the study says

Air dry or blow dry your hair? This is the eternal question that has plagued the beauty world for several years. Until now, we all thought that air drying was much gentler and better than using a hairdryer. But according to a scientific study, we were wrong. And do you feel lied to now? Well, us too! So let's explain further. During the study, dermatologists from Koreadifferent hair drying methodscompared and came to the surprising conclusion that blow-drying is not as harmful as we thought. The test subjects were divided into 5 groups and were asked to blow-dry their hair for different lengths and at different temperatures. However, one group let their hair air dry.

Why is it harmful to let your hair air dry?

The study confirmed that blow-drying at a shorter distance definitely causes more surface damage than air-drying your hair. However, the surprising result was that our mane suffered less if we blow-dryed it at a distance of 15 centimeters and with regular movements. What is it about? While the direct heat of the hair dryer attacks the outer cuticle, air drying can actually damage the hair structure from the inside out. Our hair can absorb up to 30% of its own weight in water and the longer it stays wet, the higher the pressure. Logically, this also increases the risk of hair breakage and the hair becomes dry and brittle. In addition, a wet scalp is the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of fungi and bacteria, and we don't want that, do we?

How should we dry our hair?

Everyone is different and whether you air dry or blow dry your hair depends on your own preferences! The two methods have their advantages and disadvantages and can cause some damage if we don't do them correctly. The Korean study was also able to demonstrate how we should best dry our hair without damaging the hair structure. To have a shiny and healthy mane, you should clean your hair firstlet air dryuntil it is only slightly moist. Only then do you use a hairdryer and blow dry it at low heat and at a distance of 15 centimeters. Admittedly, this takes a little longer, but it is definitely much gentler and you will be rewarded for your efforts with a strong head of hair.

How to blow dry your hair correctly?

Don't you love the feeling when you leave the salon with freshly blown hair? They somehow feel wonderfully airy and light, don't they? About the results tooto achieve at homeand to avoid split ends and hair breakage, you obviously need to know how to blow dry your hair properly. And here are a few important tips:

  • After showering, carefully squeeze out excess water with a microfiber cloth. The following applies: under no circumstances rub!
  • If possible, allow hair to air dry until it is 50-60% dry. If not – blow dry it on medium heat at a distance of 15 centimeters with regular movements. Don't forget to use heat protectant!
  • If you want to style your hair with a round brush, first divide it into several sections. Also make sure that you always blow-dry in the direction of growth (from top to bottom).
  • Finally, blow-dry your hair cold and let it cool down - this will give it a wonderful shine.