Hair soap application: DIY recipes and helpful tips for radiant and healthy hair!

It's no longer a secret that most man-made shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products are loaded with harsh chemicals that damage our hair and strip it of healthy oils. Hair soaps have been gaining more and more popularity lately and are an excellent alternative for anyone who wants their hairWash hair without shampoowant. They contain only natural ingredients and are free of parabens, silicones and preservatives. Another advantage is that they are biodegradable and do not require plastic packaging. Replacing shampoo with hair soaps is a great way to switch your beauty routine to a more eco-friendly one. However, there are a few important points to consider when using hair soap. We'll tell you in our article what these are and how you can make your own hair soap!

In contrast to most shampoos, hair soaps only consist of different ingredients that we useHair care and healthyhold. Preservatives, silicones and artificial fragrances can irritate our scalp and sometimes even cause allergic reactions. The result is a brittle, dry and dull mane. Hair soaps contain vegetable oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, avocado oil and many more. Depending on the composition of the ingredients, the hair soap can help with dandruff or other hair and scalp problems. Do something good for yourself and your hair and find out how to use hair soap correctly.

Is there a difference between normal body soap and hair soap?

Typically, body soaps and hair soaps are made in the same way. The main difference lies in the composition of the ingredients and the degree of excess fat. Additionally, many of the body soaps available in drugstores contain artificial glycerin, pensides, palm oil, and few moisturizing ingredients. For this reason, they are not suitable for washing hair. The basis for hair soaps, on the other hand, are vegetable oils and not strong fats such as palm oil or glycerin. The fat content is usually between 3-5% and that is why they are also referred to as “slightly overfat”. Depending on the fat content, the hair soaps are suitable for different hair types. Women with oily and thin hair should choose products with a low level of oiliness and a higher level of oiliness is perfect for thick, dry and curly hair.

Hair soap application – How long does the transition phase last and who is hair soap suitable for?

There is no doubt that hair soap is better than shampoo and it is definitely worth switching. But especially if you've been using shampoos full of chemicals for years, it will take a while for your hair to get used to the hair soap. This is because the silicones in shampoos and conditioners form a thin layer around the hair with each use. This layer becomes thicker over time and can severely damage and dry out the hair. How long this transition period lasts varies from person to person - it can be as little as a week or up to a month. Your hair will be a little greasy or dry at first, but trust us - it's totally worth the wait!

Due to the mild and natural ingredients and depending on the oils used, all skin and hair types can use hair soap. The only important thing is to choose a product that is tailored to your own needs and requirements. Is your hair colored? The good news is that hair soap does not wash out colored hair, so it can still be washed with it. There are different experiences when it comes to the durability of the color. While some feel the color washes out more quickly, others have not noticed any particular effects. However, since all hair and products are different, we recommend that you do a strand test first. To do this, rub a single strand of hair with the hair soap and see whether the color has changed after rinsing.

It's that easy to wash your hair and use hair soap correctly

If you've mostly used bottled shampoos, applying hair soap may feel a little strange and unfamiliar the first few times. The process itself is actually not complicated at all and you have two options to choose from.

  • The first thing you need to do is wet your hair well and comb it through.
  • Now you can either rub the hair soap directly over the hair until it begins to foam, or alternatively, rub it between your hands and then massage the foam into the hair. No matter which method you choose, it is important not to rub the soap too hard or you will have difficulty combing later.
  • After you have distributed everything, it is recommended to knead the hair a little with your fingers.

Should you always use acid rinse with hair soap?

Depending on how hard the water is in your home, it is sometimes recommended to wash your hair with a hair soap after using itAcid rinseto rinse out. ThereIt is a simple mixture of apple cider vinegar and water that regulates the pH value of the hair and removes limescale residues. In addition, the acid rinse makes your mane look much shinier and healthier. Whether you rinse them or not is up to you. The less lime and softer the water is, the easier it is to use the hair soap.

How to choose the right hair soap essential oils for your hair

Rosemary, lavender, jojoba or coconut oil and many more - with thousands of essential oils, the different hair soaps also offer different onesBenefits for our hair. Some of them have antibacterial effects, while others have moisturizing properties. Depending on whether you need a hair soap for dandruff or for fine, curly and dry hair, the ingredients can vary. To give you a better overview, below you will find the most commonly used essential oils and what they are good for.

  • Tea tree oil hair soaphas a degreasing and antibacterial effect
  • Coconut oilsupplies the hair with moisture and ensures more shine
  • olive oilis mild and nourishing, ideal for dry hair and sensitive scalp
  • Jojoba oilhas a moisturizing and calming effect
  • castor oilmakes the hair more supple and prevents split ends and hair breakage
  • Sheabutterprovides moisture and more shine
  • cedarwood oil and lemon oilhave an anti-inflammatory effect and are perfect if you want to use hair soap for dandruff
  • Rosemary beerhas a positive effect on oily hair and prevents hair loss
  • Grapeseed oilis good for oily and fine hair

Make your own hair soap with curd soap – it’s that easy!

If the organic products on the market are far too expensive for you, then you could try making your own hair soap at home. You will be surprised at how uncomplicated and effortless it actually is! And the best part? You can customize the essential oils and ingredients to suit your own taste and hair type. Below we have a simple recipe for hair soap with curd soap for you.


  • 300 grams of curd soap
  • 2 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 10 grams of essential oil of your choice
  • Optional for a more pleasant scent – ​​dried herbs and food coloring

Make your own hair soap – instructions:

  • First, grate the soap into small pieces and put it in a pot.
  • Add a little lukewarm water and mix everything well until you get a homogeneous, smooth mass with the consistency of soap. A little tip: add the water little by little until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Then add coconut oil, essential oils and herbs or food coloring to the pot and stir in thoroughly.
  • Feel the hair soap in silicone soap molds and leave it at room temperature for at least 2-3 days.

And a recipe for advanced users – making lye-based hair soap

In this variant, the hair soap is made yourself and the recipe is more suitable for advanced users.


  • 110 grams of olive oil
  • 80 grams of coconut oil
  • 110 ml cold water
  • 130 grams of oil of your choice (see list above)
  • 41.5 grams of lye
  • 10 grams of essential oil of your choice
  • optional: herbs, food coloring

Step by step instructions:

  • Before you start making hair soap, make sure you wear protective clothing, gloves and safety glasses. Cover the work area with newspapers and it is best to work at an open window.
  • Pour the water into a large pot or container and slowly add the lye a little at a time (never in reverse order!). Stir constantly and slowly while pouring. Set the mixture aside and let it cool.
  • Meanwhile, place the oils in a small saucepan and melt over medium heat until they reach a temperature of 30 degrees.
  • Mix the melted oils with the lye mixture and stir gently.
  • Pour the finished mixture through a sieve and add chopped herbs or food coloring if necessary.
  • Pour the hair soap into soap molds and let it stand for 3-4 days.