Anyone who is looking for a new hairstyle with a big change, but in which not all of their hair is cut radically short, usually opts for bangs. Bangs hairstyles change the appearance enormously despite little effort and, depending on the shape of the bangs, create a girlish or cheeky look. Especially if you spontaneously decide on this hairstyle and don't want to wait until the next hairdresser's appointment, you can quickly grab the scissors yourself. So that this doesn't lead to disappointment, there are a few things to consider if you want to cut your bangs yourself. We have put together helpful tips and instructions on how to cut your bangs in this article. This way you are guaranteed to get the perfect look and will soon be able to show off your new hairstyle to everyone else.
Helpful tips and necessary resources
What you should definitely avoid is using your kitchen scissors. Other scissors that you use in everyday life are also taboo. They are not sharp enough and simply not made for this purpose, as the dull blades cause split ends. Especially if you regularly have oneDesign a pony hairstyleand trim your bangs again and again, it's worth investing in professional scissors. The result is guaranteed to be better.
You will also need a comb. This is anything but expensive and is simply part of cutting. Don't even try using a brush instead. This just makes everything even more complicated. The comb, on the other hand, not only divides the hair wonderfully, but also makes everything much clearer thanks to its narrow design.
Cutting is never done horizontally! Even if you want straight bangs, always hold the scissors vertically or at an upward angle and cut into the hair. This way you can proceed piecemeal and not risk removing too much hair at once or even end up with crooked bangs. You should also not pull the hair down too much with the comb. Even then, too much can quickly be cut off and the bangs become much too short.
This is also the reason why you should cut bangs when your hair is dry. The moisture makes the hair longer (albeit minimal) due to the weight. As soon as the hair has dried after cutting the bangs and has pulled back together again, you will have a bad surprise because it will become shorter.
Instructions depending on the shape
How exactly you cut depends, of course, on what shape you want to get. The hair for straight ponies is held and cut differently than for a slanted version. We have two instructions that will definitely help you if you want to cut the bangs. Always take your time. If you're in a hurry, it's better to postpone your new bangs until another day.
Cut straight bangs
If you don't have any bangs yet, it is generally recommended to have your first cut done by a hairdresser. He can find the best shape for your face and in this way also best determine the correct length, width and density. Later you just have to trim the finished look regularly, which is of course much easier.
If you don't want to wait and want to create your own bangs using your long hair, first tie a ponytail. From this ponytail, you can now gradually pull several strands from the front sections with the comb or you can first separate the strands and then tie the hair together. Let them fall over the face. This is the easiest way to determine how thick and how wide the bangs should be. You can also focus on the corners of your eyes when cutting the bangs. The ends of the bangs should not extend too far past the outer corners of the eyes.
If you are satisfied with the amount of hair, first roughly cut the hair down to eye level. It doesn't matter if the cut is crooked, because you'll continue cutting afterwards to get the right length. Now you can start trimming the hair little by little. Finally, they should reach below the eyebrows. Periodically check the length of the bangs and whether the cut is becoming straight. Then, if necessary, you can continue to cut the bangs or finish it off.
Cut slanted bangs
If you cut such half bangs yourself, you should also make sure that the shortest part does not extend past the lowest edge of the eyebrow. Cutting slanted bangs correctly is not a particularly easy task. If you dare to do it anyway, proceed as follows:
A slanted, half pony is achieved by first combing the desired sections of hair forward and tying the rest together or pinning them up. If you take the front strand together for the bangs, you will have two partings on the left and right of your head, which form a triangle, so to speak. At best, its tip is in the middle of the head, but that mainly depends on how much hair you cut off or how thick you want the bangs to be. The partings are a great tool. Depending on which side of the face a side fringe is cut, the opposite part serves as a parallel to the cut, so to speak.
Now take the strand over to the opposite side of the selected one and comb it smooth. So if you want the bangs on the right side, take the strand to cut to the left and vice versa. Now determine the cutting line. As already mentioned, this runs parallel to the crown and should be approximately under the cheekbone. Of course, this can vary depending on how long you want the bangs to be. It's better to leave the strand a little longer and then shorten it piece by piece rather than cutting bangs that are too short.
Alternatively, a razor can also be used if you want to cut angled bangs. You can find out exactly how this works in this video:
Der Micro Pony
TheMicro Ponyis undoubtedly something for the brave, because it is extremely eye-catching, extravagant and, above all, not suitable for every face shape. It is therefore particularly advisable to visit a hairdresser rather than doing it yourself. This person can not only best assess whether the micro pony is suitable for you, but can also then determine the correct length.
Furthermore, the right cut is particularly important here. While a slanted pony, for example, automatically conceals flaws through its loose fall, the mini pony is located directly on the forehead and this makes every strand, every crooked cut and other blemishes visible. If we couldn't dissuade you and you still want to cut micro bangs, it's best to proceed as follows:
- Follow the straight bangs instructions above first.
- Then gradually remove more hair from the bangs by againverticalcut into it.
- Shorten the bangs in this way, little by little, until you are satisfied with the length. After each cut, check in the mirror whether the length suits you and only then cut off more if necessary.
- In principle, there is no exact rule for the right length, because everyone has something different. Some wear it to the middle of the forehead, others even shorter. There are also oblique versions.
- Remember: Once it's off, it stays off until the hair grows back! Don't be too hasty with cutting, just be patient.
The micro bangs look great on oval facesround facesIt would be better to avoid it. The reason for this is that the ultra-short cut makes the face appear even wider. The same applies to square faces. Anyone characterized by a heart-shaped face could be lucky. In some cases, short bangs can flatter the face.
Tipp:If you are not sure, you can easily test it out. Gather your hair as if you were oneTie a pigtailwant and simply hold the ends in front of your forehead like a fringe. This also works if you tie a high bun and pull the ends of the hair out of the hair tie up to your forehead.
The trendy French cut pony
The trendy oneFrench cut, also known as shag hairstyle, which is reminiscent of French beauties like Brigitte Bardot and especially her hairstyles from the 60s and 70s, is a very popular trend that you have probably noticed before or will soon see more often. So we're not surprised if you've decided on this look and want to cut French bangs.
And the probability that you will land a good hit with it is actually very high, because the attractive bangs suit almost every face shape and are suitable for both bob hairstyles andfor long hairsuitable. Only if you have a high or wide forehead should you be careful and seek advice in advance. Curly hair is also less suitable. Nevertheless, we recommend a visit to the hairdresser first. If you still want to cut the French cut bangs yourself, you can do so as follows:
- Create a middle part.
- Take the hair you want to turn into a fringe forward (equal amounts left and right of the parting) and pin the rest back or tie it up.
- Part this section of hair down the middle so you have two strands.
- Start with either one. Pick it up with the comb and gradually cut off a very short piece from top to bottom on the inside. The shortest part should be just below the eyebrows when you take the bangs to the side. The longest is at chin level.
- When cutting, be patient and cut off a little bit at a time, then check the length before using the scissors again. There should be an even step cut.
- If you are happy with this half, repeat the whole thing with the other half. The first half of the pony serves as a template.
Recut and trim regularly
It's best to trim your fringe hair every few days rather than waiting weeks until it gets too long and falls into your eyes. This simply makes work easier. If you haven't found the time or have simply forgotten, simply follow the instructions in the instructions depending on the type of pony: When it is dry, pick up part of the hair with the comb and trim it a little. Afterwards, check the length to see if it still needs a little trimming. Again, cut vertically, NOT horizontally!
It should also be mentioned that many hairdressers now offer recuts free of charge after you have had the basic cut with them. It is best to find out more from your hairdresser. You may even find that it's unnecessary to go through the trouble yourself.