Concealing love handles: instructions on which clothing is suitable for this and which you should avoid

Love handles are a universal problem for all ages. It occurs when extra fat around the stomach protrudes to the sides and can be exacerbated by poor clothing choices. It is very difficult to get rid of it through exercise, but luckily you can hide love handles by wearing the right clothes. In this article you will learn how you can divert attention from problem areas.

Here we will show you the different ways you can hide your love handles!

Choose the right shapewear: Buying the right shapewear can do wonders for you. It smoothes the bulges around the stomach, makes the body appear slimmer overall and lifts the bottom attractively. This is the best way to hide love handles in a tight dress.

High waist pants: If you wear pants with a regular waist, you run the risk of emphasizing fat in the abdominal area. That's why it's a good idea to wear high-waisted pants or jeans. They ensure that the problem area is well hidden.

Wear slimming colors: The old advice that darker colors always make you slimmer isn't entirely true. Instead of wearing all black to hide your love handles, wear a darker color where you are heaviest and a light color where you are thinner.
For example, if you want to make a big belly look smaller, wear black around the middle and a pop of color on top. You can achieve this, for example, with a high-waisted A-line skirt and a light-colored top that you tuck into your pants.

A-line tops: Choose A-line tops that are known for their flared bottoms. This effectively hides the bulge at the waist. If you want to hide love handles with a dress or skirt, you should also stick to this cut. It makes the problem areas less visible, which is exactly the goal you want to achieve with your clothing.

Experiment with different types of shirts: There are some shirt end styles that are more attractive to people with a little more flab around the stomach area and draw attention away from the waist. This includes:

  • Kimono style shirts
  • Kaftane
  • Wrap shirts

Clothing that emphasizes problem areas – you should avoid these

When it comes to concealing love handles, avoiding the wrong clothes is just as important as choosing the right ones.

Stay away from form-fitting clothing:When it comes to concealing love handles, it's just as important to conceal the fake onesclothing to avoidhow to choose the right one. Tight tops will only show off your love handles, especially when paired with bottoms that are too tight and unflattering.
Tipp: Fabrics to avoid include satin, all-polyester, and spandex. They all tend to emphasize your silhouette.

Do not wear underwear that is too tight: Tight underwear, especially those with thin waist bands or straps, can dig into your flesh and increase love handles. Thin, tight straps on underwear can even make you look like you have love handles even though you don't.
Tipp: Choose underwear with a higher waist and thicker waistband.

Avoid straight-cut clothing: Unlike A-lines, straight-cut garments emphasize your midsection and stomach area, which will draw all the attention to your love handles. This applies to trousers, tops, skirts and dresses.

Avoid belts: There are many recommendations to use belts to hide love handles, but even thick and oversized belts can cut into the sides and make love handles even bigger. If you want to wear an oversized belt, place it around your lower hips and pair it with a loose top. Otherwise, opt for narrow belts that don't cut into your waist.

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Concealing love handles – tricks to distract attention

Tie a sweater around your waist:You can tie the sleeves of a sweater or jacket around your waist to help conceal love handles through clothing. The bulk of the sleeves will cover any excessive bulge underneath.
Tipp: In summer, you can use a light, long-sleeved shirt to achieve the same effect.

Wear shirts with a flattering neckline: Another way to draw attention to your chest and neck instead of your problem area is with V-necks, scoop necks, and plunging necklines.

Wear a Chic Necklace:Another trick you can use to draw attention away from the fat around your waist is to wear a piece of jewelry. An eye-catching and unique necklace will draw attention to your neck and chest and draw attention away from your midsection.
Tipp: Avoid necklaces that are too long as they put the emphasis back on your core.

Which trendy and comfortable jeans models can you use to hide belly fat?Find out here!

Read article in English:How to hide love handles? Which clothes are suitable and which to avoid?