What are the fashion mistakes that make you older and what are the style rules you should definitely follow?
While a chic hairstyle and beautiful makeup can go a long way in maintaining a youthful look, a poor choice of outfit can spoil the entire look. Most women want to look a little younger than their age - and yet some might be doing the exact opposite by making some common fashion mistakes that make them look older. Here are some of them!
Knowing how to dress is a skill, but knowing how not to dress is a real feat! Here are the fashion mistakes that are aging you and that you should avoid!
Wearing the wrong colors
Let's start at the very beginning. The biggest fashion mistake guaranteed to age you in no time is simply wearing the wrong colors.
Wearing clothes in colors that don't flatter you can make you look washed out, imperfections look exaggerated, your eyes lose their sparkle, and you can end up looking so uncomfortable that you could be considered an extra in a remake of Micheal Jackson's Thriller video .
The opposite is also true: the right shades will give you an inside-out glow that rivals the best celebrity facials, fine lines and wrinkles will be softened, and dark shadows under your eyes will be reduced.
And although the color analysis parties beloved by Bridget Jones' annoying mother have (thankfully) remained in the '90s, along with the Tupperware nights, here are some useful tips on how to choose clothing colors that look good on you.
How to determine the right ones for you
Your undertone is the dominant tone of your skin - warm, cool or neutral. Warm undertones look best in warm colors, cool undertones in cool colors, and neutrals in all colors. In this context: Warm colors are reds, oranges and yellows. Cool colors include blues, greens and purples.
How to determine your skin's undertone:
Fen Test: Look at the veins on your wrist. If your veins appear green, you have a warm undertone. Blue or purple means you have a cool undertone. And if you have a mix or can't tell, you have a neutral undertone.
Test with white shirt: Take a white shirt or t-shirt and hold it in front of your face in a mirror with natural light. If your face appears rosy, you have a cool undertone. If it appears more yellowish, you are warm. Can't decide? Neutral.
Wearing clothes that don't fit your body shape
Every figure is different, and what looks good on one person may not look so good on another. Knowing your body shape and choosing clothes that flatter you can make a big difference in how young you appear. And since our bodies are constantly evolving and changing, when was the last time you checked which fruit in the fruit basket corresponds to your current shape so that you can adapt your clothing style accordingly and make the most of it? Withthis fashion consultantput your outfit together correctly!
Stuck in your favorite decade
While there's nothing wrong with a look inspired by the '70s, '60s, or even '80s - fashion is a circular phenomenon, and even the hottest trends can come back like a tasteless boomerang. You're doing yourself a disservice by rigidly sticking to a fashion formula that's long since become a thing of the past.
And yes, you may own an upcycled wardrobe that even Greta Thunberg would applaud, but exclusively wearing yesterday's styles while consistently ignoring everything that's current is a fast track to the biggest fashion mistakes as you age make. Staying relevant is a matter of attitude and style, and doing so will definitely make you look and feel younger.
So, we're not suggesting you adopt the latest TikTok trend, but a selective interest in the current 2023 fashion trends, both on the fashion front and in culture in general, will sharpen your mind and improve your style.
Fashion Mistakes That Make You Older – Stretchy Fabrics
Finally, a practical word of warning for all of you. Be selective... very selective when it comes to the type of fabrics you wear. Jeans and similar stretchy fabrics may be very comfortable, but they accentuate every bump and dimple and don't give you the slightest chance of looking and feeling good.
Instead, choose something with a light texture like cotton, luxurious linen, or high-quality fabrics like silk, satin, or velvet that will reflect light onto your face. Also remember that any piece that is custom-made will help restore the coveted shape you once had.
More fashion mistakes that make you older and should definitely be avoided:can be found here!