Pointed nails - shaping nails and 20 inspiring designs

In addition to the natural or classic angular nail shapes, there are always new current trends. Especially with longer fingernails there are extremely pointed nails, also called stilettos. Above all, they are eye-catching and therefore definitely ideal for extroverted, extravagant personalities. This artistic shape is usually achieved through gel modeling, as a minimum length of 3 centimeters is required for the perfect manicure.

What nail shapes are there?

For women, the perfect fingernails are like their business card. They show femininity and their artistic designs cause a stir. But not every shape is suitable for every job and not for every finger. Very long fingernails can be very annoying in everyday life, especially if you are not used to them. Stiletto nails are usually made in excess length, from 3 cm from the fingertip, but can be made in a shorter version, Mountain Peak or Pointed Almond.

The name Mountain Peak refers to short pointed nails. Your own fingernails are then filed to a point from the nail bed towards the end. The short stilettos are very distinctive and eye-catching. With pointed almonds, the nails are slightly longer and not very expressively pointed. These pointed nail variations are easier to achieve on your own than stilettos. For this special form, it is better to visit a nail salon that specializes in it.

AndStiletto nailsBecause they are very eye-catching and an absolute eye-catcher, stars and celebrities choose this nail shape. Rihanna, Adele, Fergie, Jennifer Lopez and many others love the pointed 'claws', which now function more as an accessory. They were even called 'Louboutin Nails' on Instagram because they are reminiscent of the red sole of the luxury shoes.

Like high shoes, pointed nails are also suitable for experienced wearers. Here the nails are usually lengthened and the nail tip is at least once longer than the natural nail bed. The Russian Almond nail shape differs only in the rounded nail tip. These nails are hardly suitable for everyday use and are mainly found at nail designer championships. There are artistic designs that are more or less reminiscent of the idea for geisha hands.

With longer nail shapes, such as pointed nails, where the nail tip is relatively long, the nail board usually does not look visually natural. For the aesthetic appearance, the traditional French manicure is not recommended. Or the nail bed is visually lengthened. This is achieved through the clever use of nail polish in skin color, the so-called camouflage polish.

The perfect manicure: How to shape your nails to a point

Stilettos are usually designed using gel modeling using stencils. If your natural nails are long enough, you can file them to a point yourself. The nail corners are completely filed down using the so-called 'I technique' so that an even tip is created. To do this, position the middle of the nail and file the corners diagonally downwards. In order to be able to do your fingernails yourself, you will of course need suitable accessories.

In order to file the nails, whether natural or artificial, evenly pointed on both sides, think of the center point where the tip should end. The filing is carried out from the finger towards the tip. The nails must run straight sideways to the point where they grow out of the nail board. If you take a little more away from the nail on the sides, it can tear there.

When viewed from the side, the nails should be as straight as possible so that they do not point downwards from the nail board. The longer the nails, the more you have to pay attention to the correct filing technique and the statics. The sufficient length depends primarily on the shape of the finger and the nail beds. With slender nail beds, pointed nails can be formed even with a significantly shorter length than with small, wide nail beds.

Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Pointed nails have the advantage that there are no corners to bump into. This nail shape visually lengthens the fingers and makes the hand look more elegant, delicate and feminine. After a necessary period of getting used to it and possibly other than the small restrictions in everyday life and household chores, you will probably attract interested looks and the attention of those around you.

Achieving sharp nails with artificial nails: instructions

With the following step-by-step instructions you can achieve trendy nails even without a visit to the nail salon. First what is needed:

  • Glue-on artificial nails
  • Glue specifically suitable for the purpose
  • Nagelfeile
  • Nail polish

With artificial nails, you must first determine the appropriate size and shorten them if necessary. It's best to get the nails into the desired shape before they're glued. This means there is no risk of one or two fingernails falling off. In order for the artificial nails to adhere well, your own nail surfaces must be slightly roughened with a file. Then wipe off the nail dust with a cotton pad moistened with acetone so that the surface is free of grease and dust.

In order to fix the nails on your own fingers, you have to put a little glue thinly on the inside of the artificial nail and attach it as close as possible to the cuticle. Press down for a few seconds and when the glue has dried, you can file the artificial nails a little if there is a need for improvement. Finally, a coat of varnish is applied.

True to the original look of the original luxury stiletto soles from Louboutin, we recommend the red nail polish color. This fits perfectly with the striking lace shape and looks really elegant. To go a little further, we suggest painting the bottom side, the so-called sole, in gold. This creates a double wow effect.

How to remove?

If after a while you have decided against artificial nails and no longer want to wear them, they should be carefully filed down. Otherwise you will damage the surface of the natural fingernails. Therefore, please do not tear off the artificial nails.

Nail designs for pointed nails: creative ideas and inspiration

Due to the sufficient length, there are several variants when painting the stiletto nails. Bright colors and versions with sparkles and sparkles are of course among the most popular designs because they are bright according to the motto: 'Here I am'. On the other hand, muted nuances, pastel tones and matt varnishes are very popular right now. You don't have to make all your fingernails the same, but decorate two or three fingers and leave the others in one color.


Many nail designs can be done by skilled hands and with a little practice. Depending on the situation, the appropriate materials are of course required, such as foil, rivets, nail jewelry, glitter and different colors, as well as fine nail art brushes for the playful motifs. A great nail design idea are the so-calledGlass nails, which we have already presented in another article. Foil in the form of broken glass is attached to the nails. This could be in different colors, depending on the effect you want to achieve.

The fish scale effect

Nail designswith glitter effectsBut they're all boring. Maybe it's not the best choice for everyday life, but it's still extremely effective. The glitter can be applied chaotically to the nails as it is, but can also be arranged piece by piece like fish scales. The effect works best with glitter in green-blue nuances or silver, as they come closer to the characteristic fish color. To prevent the manicure from becoming really tacky, we recommend using this technique to accentuate 2-3 fingernails.

Herzmotiveand transparent effect

Even more playful variants for nail design can be tried out, especially with gel modelling. Transparency effects can even be achieved here, as the gel substance is completely transparent. This manicure, which at first glance appears to be a classic red manicure, is given a slightly different design thanks to the super-sweet heart motif. This means that the pointed nails don't appear so much fancy, but rather really girly.

Two popular variations – ballerina and oval pointed nails

A variation of the stilettos are the so-called ballerina nails. The fingernails are first shaped to a point like the stilettos and only then are the nail tips filed straight. The shape created was intended to be reminiscent of ballerina shoes, hence the name. This special shape has the best of square and pointed nails and is a good solution even if one or the other tip of the stilettos is damaged. A certain length is also required so that the nail design looks successful and effective.

Pointed nails are ideal for ladies with short fingers and wide nails. However, a certain nail length is required. If you can't naturally look forward to beautiful, long and hard fingernails, there are either artificial nails or extension with acrylic gel modeling is also an option. Nevertheless, this special form is often underestimated and one can experience difficulties with simple maneuvers. For this reason, it is advisable not to switch to extra length all at once, but rather to slowly get used to long nails. They can be filed into an almond shape, then shaped a little pointy until they become long enough to become real stilettos. But if this special shape is ultimately unsuitable for the respective person, it is quickly changed to ballerina.