Around 30% of 25 to 35 year olds in Germany have a tattoo. The trends always surprise usNewand lots of cool tattoos, great designs and motifs are taking over social media. But what does it all look like on the other side? What is the work like as a tattoo artist, what is the most special and beautiful thing about it and what do you have to constantly struggle with? We get the answers to these and many other questions from the young tattoo artist Neli Dubarova from Burgas, Bulgaria.
Neli Dubarova is only 30 years old and is one of the best young tattoo artists in Bulgaria. Take a look at your beautiful artworkon your Facebook pageand convince yourself of the young lady's talent!
Hello Neli! How long have you been a tattoo artist and how did you get started – what inspired you?
- I've always loved tattoos and been interested in cool tattoos and the latest trends, but somehow never believed that I could make a living doing them. I started training in 2014. I've always wanted to learn, but my self-esteem was too low at the time - it's one thing to draw on a piece of paper and a completely different thing to draw on someone's skin. What inspired me was drawing - it is my greatest passion and my calling.
Tattooing is still considered a kind of male profession. Did you find it difficult to assert yourself as a woman?
- No, I don't think so. If you have talent, gender doesn't matter at all.
Are there certain motifs that you enjoy tattooing the most? If so – which ones and why?
- I love tattoos in the so-called realistic style and they have gained a lot of popularity in recent years.Different motifs of animalsI also really enjoy tattooing and for me they are one of the cool tattoos because they are very detailed. But what I want most is to get a little better at portrait tattoos.
What are the hottest tattoo trends and motifs recently?
- Japanese-style tattoos are particularly popular. Somehow they never go out of style. More and more people are having various animal motifs or quotes from the Bible engraved.
A look behind the scenes in the tattoo world
Have you changed tattooing techniques a lot in recent years?
- Just like in every area, there is always something new coming onto the market - both the ink colors and the tattoo machines have evolved and you always have to stay up to date.
What was the first tattoo you got in your life?
- One lettering and the result was unfortunately not very satisfactory. But you learn from your mistakes.
Are there any tattoos you refuse to get? If so – why?
- Yes, there is. Most tattoo artists specialize in certain things and styles from the start. If I am not 100% sure that I can fulfill the customer's wishes, I always prefer to recommend a colleague to him rather than end up disappointing him. Since tattoo trends are constantly evolving, you always have to stay up to date and customer satisfaction is always my top priority. Also, I don't do tattoos on my face.
What's the craziest tattoo you've ever had?
- To be honest, no motif is strange or weird for me - ultimately everyone has their own taste. Quite the opposite! I think it's great when I get to do unusual and cool tattoos!
More interesting questions
What do you love about your job?
- Simply everything! Every day is different, I constantly meet new people. The trust placed in me and the proximity to a wide variety of people make this job so unique and wonderful for me.
What's the craziest thing that's happened to you during a session?
- So far nothing really crazy has ever happened to me. One time there was a power outage and the customer's tattoo wasn't even half finished, but something like that can happen to anyone. Another client fell asleep during the session - no idea how he did it. Apparently he was dreaming about something very exciting because he twitched his hand slightly and hit me. Afterwards we laughed about it together.
Are there tattoo artists who inspire you? Which ones and why?
- Naturally! The world is full of amazing tattoo artists who inspire me and whose work I'm interested in. These are all people who started all the new trends and designed a lot of cool tattoos. Here in my hometown there are also many artists who fascinate me and from whom I can only learn.
What are the most popular parts of the body for a tattoo?
- Now I can't give an exact answer to the question - it varies greatly and depends on many factors. Many customers want to be able to hide their tattoos for professional or personal reasons. But maybe the back and the arms.
Do older people also get tattoos and are the tattoo trends different for them?
- Yes, people of absolutely all ages come to me.Women always choose small and delicate motifs, while men mostly have large works of art engraved on them.
Do you think more women than men are getting tattoos lately?
- I don't know for sure, but the fact is that women have become much braver over the years and are not afraid of the needle.
In the past, all people with tattoos were victims of certain prejudices. Has that changed now?
- Yes, I think so. Although there are still people from the old generation who find tattoos unacceptable and rebellious.
You have already worked in Hamburg. Tell us a little more about it! What did you particularly like about it? Are the customers different than in Bulgaria?
- I have always found the discipline and correctness of the Germans remarkable and fascinating. There is already a small difference between the customers and their wishes regarding the motifs. But since the trends are different in different countries, I think this is completely normal. There I also had a lot of very interesting projects for cool tattoos that were a real challenge for me.
Several tattoo festivals and conventions take place in Germany every year. Have you already taken part in some of these?
- I've worked at a few tattoo festivals so far, but have never applied for an award. I still don't have the courage to do it and I don't think I'm ready yet. Maybe in 2-3 years ;) .