New colors for the living room – some trends with potential

Dreary and monotonous? That doesn't have to be the case. The human eye wants to be entertained and over time it inevitably becomes fed up with what is all too familiar. A new face of your own four walls is needed. Every year, thousands of the “good rooms” between Kiel and Berchtesgaden are supposed to shine in new splendor and sometimes pose the question to their designers as to which new aesthetic horizons should be explored in terms of color scheme and design. There are quite a few trends that can be identified these days that have the potential to become long-running aesthetic favorites. These shades have great potential!

(K)A musical dance

Color, material and design are the three most important cornerstones on which every new design concept is based. The predominant basic color sets the score, according to which furniture and furnishings can shine virtuosically as soloists.

When a makeover of the center of our home culture, the living room, is required, it is important to set the basic tone that all members of the ensemble have to follow. If the key, i.e. the basic color design of the living area, is given, the soloists can only add accents that are able to create and emphasize nuances - but the basic concept is there.

Decorative elements with integrated infrared heating are very popular and also practical. So there isHeat4AllFor example, picture, glass picture and mirror heaters that beautify the home with pretty motifs and also provide cozy warmth in the cold season.

Less is (often) more

The color in particular is a not insignificant detail, the change of which brings a breath of fresh air into our home. Once a harmonious basic composition is created with special colors and combinations, a certain atmosphere is created. It already shapes the large, unified whole without the need for many additional details and accessories to appear natural and harmonious.

Because anything that is too much becomes repugnant to nature. That's why color trends of recent years have focused on simplicity instead of exhausting themselves in colorful monotony - true to a scientifically based theory of color psychological effects, which at its core is the primacy of a few basic colors and moods as a leitmotif. It already says something essential about the character and basic attitude of its designer and has the potential to do all sorts of thingsBasic moodsof perfectHarmonyup to the highest level of emotional chaos.

Gray – sensual asceticism for aesthetes

For example, when it comes to THE trend color gray of the last few years, which has permanently established itself in a wide variety of shades and gradations in living rooms in Germany and is also popular in 2017.

What has contributed significantly to the triumph of the all-round color is its versatile combinability, be it as a modest basic tone for a glamorous appearance of individual pieces of furniture, or simply as a defining wall color that radiates a timeless charm and has character.

In this role, it has overtaken the color white, which for many decades was the ultimate in timeless living room design and gave it an overly monotonous appearance. Against the background of the unbroken popularity of the so-called “Industrial Style“, which tries to depict the distinctive rough character of old factory and industrial halls, the color gray has gained popularity. This goes well with furniture and accessories in a concrete and metal look, sometimes with a used look that imitates decades-old signs of wear and tear - as do brick walls, industrial lamps, steel, leather and concrete tiles thatFactory flairconvey and breathe the breath of eternity.

Full of joy of life – shades of yellow for optimists

Pure sensual joy and optimism, on the other hand, breathe in friendly yellow tones, which impressively reflect the positive attitude of those living in the living room - and will also set trends in 2017. Natural pastel tones in green and brown go well with the color of the sun.

Whether sand, beige, cream or light shades of brown - natural tones are not only popular, they bring a touch of naturalness through the living room. Easy to combine with each other, their interplay creates a warm living atmosphere, especially when combined with wooden furniture and wooden floors on which light-colored carpets rest. Muted green tones with a touch of brown and yellow radiate additional calm, which perfectly complement the scenery dominated by yellow tones.

Pastel tones noticeably loosen up neutral rooms. The latest chic is particularly pastel combinations of paler green and yellow tones with trendy shades of gray - for example combined on each other on the four walls. The color combination also has a calming and slightly invigorating effect in kitchens and cuts a good figure.

For incorrigible romantics and dreamers – rosé tones

Walls in rosé and old pink tones are becoming increasingly popular again. Almost forgotten for many years, pastel tones once again express the courage of the outgoing, self-confessed romantic and at the same time successfully create a warm, feel-good atmosphere. Nevertheless, living room walls in rose tones also radiate a certain reserved distance and timeless elegance, which underlines the all-round talent of the color scheme. Rosé tones can be easily combined with natural wood materials on the one hand, but also with the cool factory aesthetic of the industrial style on the other.

Lavender colors and violet tones for individualists

The colors purple and violet are also experiencing their renaissance in 2017, exuding a cool elegance and being a sensual expression of the basic attitude and attitude to life of its extraordinary residents. Various shades of lavender eloquently bear witness to a rather stubborn attitude and a touch of extravagance on the part of his color composer. Whether as a solo appearance or especially in combination with gray and green tones: purple and violet tones appear dominant and eccentric at the same time. They do not allow competitors in bright colors; at most, delicate pastel shades are tolerated. The same applies to furniture and accessories, which should fit into the overall picture in a simple and reserved manner. Here, particularly cool-looking objects with a silvery, shimmering metal look come into their own harmoniously.

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