Volume trick: Washing upside down makes even the finest hair voluminous

Hardly any other beauty topic concerns us as much as our hair. Hairstyle inspiration, the right care,– there is always a lot to discuss. There's a new trick doing the rounds at the moment that everyone can usefine hairmakes you happy: upside-down washing. With this super simple hack you should be able to ensure that your hair has extra hair in the showerVolumeshines.

More volume: Upside down washing is the easiest trick for fine hair

That you should blow-dry your hair overhead, more soto create is known. But a new oneBeauty-Tricknow proves that washing your hair correctly can helpfine haircan make a difference. Because here, too, you should ideally work headfirst.

Unlike blow-drying, the secret to the effect of upside-down washing is not to align the hair against its natural growth direction. Instead, it's about the fact that the position makes it possibleand clean the hairline particularly thoroughly. In fact, people often neglect the scalp at the back of the head when washing, which causes sebum and product residue to build up and weigh down the hair.

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Upside-down washing for fine hair: This is how easy it is to achieve a beauty trick for extra volume

First of all: This method for extraVolumeworks on all hair lengths and types! So you don't necessarily have tofine hairto benefit from upside down washing. After all, thorough cleaning benefits everyone.

It's best to divide your hair into two to three sections before getting in the shower and getting it wet. Now thisUpside-Down-Assume a pose. Imagine blow drying your hair upside down. This is exactly the position you need. Apply shampoo to the palms of your hands and carefully into the scalp and hairline - including the back of the head! – massage and then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Important: The lengths should not be shampooed, otherwise they will dry out quickly and become brittle. Also work in the conditioner over your head - but here the rule is the other way round: do not apply the product to the scalp, but only pamper the lengths and ends. Wash thoroughly. Tip: If you don't feel comfortable washing upside down while standing, you can also lean over the edge of the bathtub or the sink.

By the way: Also(the annoying pimples on the back) can be eliminated thanks to theBeauty-TricksPrevent them because they often occur when the skin comes into contact with strands soaked in conditioner. If you wash your hair upside down, the lengths no longer come into contact with your back. Problem solved!

Shop for the right shampoo for hair with volume here:

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