Especially after summer, little dots tend to appear on the skin here and there. What we find cute on the nose and underticking off is rather unpopular on the rest of the face - especially if the area is larger and the shape is more uneven. The good:Pigment spotscan be lightened. ASkin care trend, which you can't ignore on any social media channel right nowKojisäure. But what exactly makes the peeling ingredient special and how does it affect you??
Don't miss this peeling trend: Kojic acid is the new active ingredient hype for beautiful skin!
Kojic acid was discovered in Japan as a byproduct of the fermentation of rice or soybeans with certain types of mold such as Aspergillus Oryzae.Not only is there...Skin care, but also used, for example, to produce sake, soy sauce, rice vinegar and miso paste. Some mushrooms such as shitake, reishi and snow mushroom are also natural sources of theTrend active ingredient.
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In beauty products, kojic acid manages to reduce the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for melanin production, and so onPigment disordersto prevent and reduce them. In addition, the active ingredient hasProperties that help protect skin from environmental damage and slow skin aging. Recent studies have also examined combining kojic acid with other active ingredients such as glycolic acid and hydroquinone to enhance their lightening effects. This synergy can be particularly effective because it not only reduces hyperpigmentation, but also improves the absorption of the active ingredients into the skin, leading to faster results.
But: As with many active ingredients, the use ofKojisäureCaution is advised. Despite the EU limit on acid to one percent, it canPeelingcan irritate the skin and cause irritation or redness. That's why it's important to carry out a patch test in advance - for example on the back of the hand or neck - to see how the skin reacts. Afterwards (and the day after!) is awith SPF 50 mandatory!
Shop products with the trendy active ingredient kojic acid here:
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