Heartbreak at Christmas: 3 zodiac signs have heartbreak during the holidays

Lovesickness for the festival of love: These threehave to be strong this year. LoudHoroscopeExpect heartbreak on the holidays. (The good news: they're on a lucky streak at the start of the year!) WhichZodiac signloudlyYou can see in the video that you should prepare yourself for a broken heart.

A broken heart at Christmas: 3 zodiac signs have heartbreak during the holidays

Pisces zodiac sign:The secret infatuation of single Pisces is not reciprocated. They especially feel this around Christmas. This realization feels like a stab in the heart. Feel free to shed a few tears, but also know that the path is now becoming clear for your true destiny.Cancer zodiac sign:The empathetic Cancers have felt for a long time that something was wrong in their relationship. Soon they will find out the reason and have to make a decision. This conflict can overshadow the holidays. But you will come out of this time stronger.Leo zodiac sign:Their turbulent love story ends shortly before Christmas. If Leos are honest with themselves, they already knew it wouldn't be forever. But the timing is particularly painful. Try to concentrate entirely on your loved ones. The New Year brings you happiness in all areas of life.

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