WhenBeauty editorwe are constantly on TikK, Instagram & Co on scrolling, always on the hunt for the latestWhat inspires us?Clevere Tricksthat solve everyday problems that everyone really knows. So also this: a product that on the one hand dieWelding under the armpitsReduced, smells neutralized and even dark discoloration as well as ingrown hair? Sounds almost too good to be true. That's why we do thatTest. What is really behind thisBeauty-Trend?
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What is the beauty product of The Ordinary?
TheToner von The OrdinaryIs a real all -rounder in theSkin care routine. It helps to calm the skin after cleaning, regulate the pH and refine the pores. But that's not all: With seven percent glycolic acid, this toner also acts asChemical peeling.Chemical peels use acids such as glycolic acid to gently loosen dead skin cells and promote skin renewal. The result? AClear, smoother and more radiant complexion.
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Beauty trick: Does this toner really effective the deodorant?
But whyreplacedtheTonerSo now a good oneDeo? The glycolic acid in the toner helps,Dark discolorationAmong theArmpits brighten upby gently peeling the skin and so theRenewal of the skin cellspromotes. This can also be of great help with ingrown hair, since the regular removal of dead skin cells releases the hair and thus prevents the growing in.
Also hasGlycolic acid antibacterial propertieswho helpTo neutralize smells. This is particularly useful under the armpits, where sweat and bacteria often cause unpleasant smells. By fighting the bacteria, it looks like a deodorant. The welding can also be done by theastringent propertiesreduced the glycolic acid because it slightly pulls the pores together.
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In the test: This is how this beauty trick works as a deodorant replacement
No wonder that so many beauty fansTonerAdd on social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok. Because all love products that tackle several problems at the same time and provide real results. TheToner von The Ordinarydoes exactly that and therefore has a permanent place in the-Routinenconquered.
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